Camp and Names

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Luna's POV

"Time to show them you man walk, shoulder back, chest out, feet apart, head up and strut" he tells us. We enter a tent where a man was picking his nose and another was using chop sticks to pick things out from in between their toes. " Beautiful, isn't it?" Mushu asks us.

"They're disgusting" Mulan and I tell him.

" No, they're men. And you'll have to act just like them, so pay attention" he states. We see one man saying his tattoo will protect him from harm and another man punches him.

"I don't think I can do this" Mulan says and I nod my head in agreement.

"It's all about attitude, be tough like this guy" Mushu tells us.

"What are you looking at?" the man asks Mulan who was staring at him.

"Punch him it's how men say hello" Mushu tells her and I go to protest. But to let Mulan punches the guy's arm. "Good, now slap him on the behind. They like that" he tells her.

"Don't do..." I try to say but she does it.

The guy turns and grabs Mulan by her collar saying "I am going to punch you so hard. It'll make your ancestors dizzy" he states.

"Yao relax and chant with me" another huge man says picking up the small angry one. They start to chant and Yao calms down. "Feel better?" the man asks putting Yao down.

"Yeah, you ain't worth my time chicken boy" he says turning to leave.

"Chicken boy? Say that to my face ya limp noodle!" Mushu shouts and Yao thinks it was Mulan. Yao goes to punch her, but she ducks making hit a tall thin gut instead. I grab her arm to help her up when Yao grabs her foot after apologizing to Ling (the tall thin guy). But Ling jumps Yao while Mulan runs for it. The three men follow her and knock over a line of men waiting for rice. Which in turn knocked the pot of cooked rice over.

Now the whole army is fighting while I am trying to find Mulan. Just then the general, messenger and two captains exit a tent from behind me. The general mounted a horse wishing the captains luck before leaving. "Good luck father/uncle" I hear the captains say. "Soldiers!" they shout as the messenger starts to take notes.

"He started it!" they state parting pointing at Mulan who was curled up in a ball.

"Cousin!" I shout lying of course going to help him up.

"I don't need anyone causing trouble in our camp" the taller captain tells Mulan.

"Sorry" she mumbles and I elbow her. " I mean, uh, sorry you had to see that, but you know how it is when you get those, uh, manly urges, and you just gotta kill somethin'" she says in a manly voice.

"To fix things, uh, cook out doors..." I add in a manlier voice.

"What's you names?" the other captain asks.

"We...uh...ah" we say thinking.

" Your commanding officer just asked you a question" the messenger tells us.

"We've got names. Ha! And it's a boy's name, too" Mulan assures him.

"Ling, how about Ling?" Mushu suggests.

"His name is Ling" I remind him quietly.

"I didn't ask for his name, I asked for yours" the second captain tells me.

"Sorry sir" I tell him and tuned out Mulan's conversation with the other captain.

"My name is Ping" Mulan tells the other captain covering Mushu's mouth alerting me to her conversation.

"And I am Jian" I tell the captains.

"Let me see your Conscription notice" the first captain demands. Mulan hands it to him and both captains read it. "Fa Zhou, the Fa Zhou?" he asks.

"I didn't know Fa Zhou had sons" the messenger states.

"I'm his nephew sir, Ping is his son and he doesn't like to talk about him much" I explain as Mulan attempts to spit.

"I can see why, the boy's an absolute lunatic" the messenger says and I glare at him.

"Okay, gentlemen, thanks to your new friend Ping, you'll spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice. And tomorrow, the *real* work begins" the first captain states and the men glare at Mulan.

"I wish to speak to Jian" the other says grabbing my forearm.

"Of course captain" I say and follow him into a tent. "What is it you wish to discuss?" I ask as we sat down.

"Your hands are that of a healer Jian and you do not have the same fire in your eyes as you cousin. So why are you here?" he asks me gently.

"I have been training to be a healer, but I couldn't let Ping go to war on his own. Sure, I'll probably be worse then him when it comes to training. But I couldn't leave him out here alone after all my uncle has down for me" I tell him lying a little.

"I'm a doctor myself" he tells me and I look at him in surprise. "Yes, I left the army after to becoming a captain to begin my training. But came back when my uncle called me for war with the Huns" he explains. "My name is Captain Li Typhoon" he says holding his hand out.

"Fa Jian" I say shaking his strong hand.

"Tell you what Jian, I will continue you doctor training and train you in combat" he tells me.

"But won't the other captain need you" I say confused.

"Shang will be fine, I was just going to help with  stranglers like yourself. You will have private listens with me and only train with the others when I believe you're ready. Myself and the doctor here will teach you healing as well" he states.

"Thank you captain, this is very generous of you" I say bowing my head. "But I must go help the others pick up the rice and set up mine & Ping's tent" I tell him.

"Go set up yours and your cousins tents, you training with me starts at dawn" he tells. So that's what I did I went to where we'd left the horses and put up our tent. I set out our bed rolls and took off my armor. Before laying down covering myself in a blanket and falling asleep.

Typhoon's POV (after Jian left the tent)

"So what did you discuss with Jian?" Shang asks as he enter my tent.

"The fact that he was currently training to be a doctor before the call to war. So I told him, myself and the head doctor would continue his training. Also that I'd train him in combat until I believe he is ready for your training. No offense cousin, but your training is rough" I tell him.

"Where is Jian now? I did not see him picking up the rice" Shang states.

"I sent him to set up his and Ping's tent, telling to go to sleep" I state.

"Very well, so what's this I hear about you going to a match maker?" he asks.

"I went to one before the call to war and just as I went to get ready to leave. She appears with a folder on a match for me. The girl is beautiful" I say handing him  the file.

"Fa Luna, daughter of Fa Li and Fa Zhou" Shang reads.

"That's a remarkable coincidence, I'll have to ask Jian about her" I tell him. Shang hands me back the file before leaving to check on the mens progress. I look at Luna's picture again before deciding to call it a night.

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