Call to War

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Third person

"Urgent news from the general, we're needed at the front" Chi-fu tells the two captains.

"Tell the troops, we leave at dawn" Shang orders. Typhoon goes to tell Jian in person while Shang went with Chi-fu to tell the others. When he reaches Jian and Ping's tent he sees Jian grooming his horse humming.

"Jian" he says and Jian turns to him.

"Yes captain" Jian says bowing his head.

"We got urgent  news from my uncle, we're leaving tomorrow at dawn to go to the front lines" Typhoon explains.

"I'll make sure Ping is up and ready" Jian assures him.

"Good and we'll have to use his horse to pull the cart carrying the cannons" Typhoon states.

"I'll let him know, thanks captain" Jian says and Typhoon leaves. Jian enters the tent and tells Ping. They prepare to leave at first light leaving out their armor and picking up everything else. The army leaves at dawn and everyone was still a little tired as Shang & Typhoon lead them. Jian walks beside Ping guiding Zeus as Ping guide his horse. Everyone starts to sing to help pass the time.

"For a long time, we've been marching off to battle" the army sings (minus Jian and Ping).

"In our thundering herd, we feel a lot like cattle" Yao says.

"Like the pounding beat, our aching feet aren't easy to ignore" the army sings (minus Jian, Ling and Ping).

"Hey, think of instead a girl worth fighting for" Ling tells Chien-po, Jian, Ping and Yao.

"Huh?" Jian and Ping ask Ling.

"That's what I said: a girl worth fighting for" Ling tells them smiling. Then takes out a rolled up piece of paper and draws a woman's body. "I want her paler than the moon, with eyes that shine like stars" he sings.

"My girl will marvel at my strength, adore my battle scars" Yao tells them singing.

"I couldn't care less what she'll wear or what she looks like, it all depends on what she cooks like Beef, pork, chicken... Mmm..." Chien-po hums singing lowly.

"Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer" Yao tells Jian and Ping. But falls into the water and Chien-po catches a fish. While Jian and Ping continued to walk through the water.

"And I'll bet the ladies love a man in armor" Ling sings exiting the water.

"You can guess what we have missed the most since we went off to war" the army sings (minus Jian, Ling, Chien-po, Yao and Ping).

"What do we want?" Ling asks singing.

"A girl worth fighting for" the army replies singing (minus Jian, Ling, Chien-po, Yao and Ping).

"My girl will think I have no faults" Yao says from beside Ping.

"That I'm a major find" Chien-po adds from beside Jian.

"How about a girl whose got a brain" Jian suggests smiling slightly.

"Who always speaks her mind?" Ping adds nervously.

"Nah" Chien-po, Ling and Yao tell them shaking their heads.

"My manly ways and turn of phrase are sure to thrill her" Ling says leaning against the cart beside Jian.

"He thinks he's such a lady killer" Yao says slipping Ping's horse's rear making him run and Ling falls into the mud face first.

" I have a girl back home who's unlike any other" Chi-fu joins in putting his hood up.

" Yeah, the only girl who'd love him is his mother" Yao tells Jian and Ping who chuckle.

" But when we come home in victory they'll line up at the door" the army (minus Jian, Ling, Chien-po, Yao and Ping)sings as they exit the try line.

"What do we want?" Ling asks from the army's shoulders.

"A girl worth fighting for" the army (minus Jian, Ling, Chien-po, Yao and Ping)replies throwing their arms over each other.

"Wished that I had" Ling says putting his hands in a prayer position.

"A girl worth fighting for" the army sings (minus Jian, Ling, Chien-po, Yao and Ping). They all start to whistle as Chien-po, Ling and Yao prepare snowballs. Jian and Ping escaped the army's grip to see the three men about to throw the snowballs. "A girl worth fightin..." the army (minus Jian, Ling, Chien-po, Yao and Ping)suddenly stops singing and whistling.

Jian and Ping turn around to see why they stopped. To see a town completely destroyed smoking from being burnt to the ground. Half of the army investigates on foot while the rest stay with the horses and supplies.


Picture above of the destroyed town and video above of the original song.

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