Rewards and Going Home

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Luna's POV

"That was a deliberate attempt on my life" Chi-fu exclaims. "Where are they? Now they've done it" he states. As the others get in front of Mulan and I. With Typhoon and Shang in front. "What a mess, move aside. Those creatures aren't worth protecting" he tells Typhoon and Shang.

"They're heros" Typhoon and Shang tell him.

"They are women, they'll never be worth anything" Chi-fu states.

"Listen you pompous..." Typhoon and Shang start to say as Shang grabs Chi-fu.

"That is enough" a commanding voice says and we look up to see the emperor approaching.

"Your majesty, we can explain" Shang says as Typhoon grabs my hand. But the emperor holds his hand up to silence him. Mulan and I approach him, then bow to him.

"I've heard a great deal about you both Fa Luna and Fa Mulan" he states. "Stole your father's armour, run away from home. Impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officers. Dishonoured the Chinese army, destroyed my palace and you both have saved us all" he says. The emperor then bows to us and the rest of China follows suit. "Chi-fu" he calls.

"Your excellency" Chi-fu says.

"See to it that these women are made members of my council" the emperor states.

"Members of, what? But..." Chi-fu starts to say. "There are no council positions open your majesty" he states.

"Very well, one of you can have his job" the emperor states making Chi-fu faint.

"With all due respect your majesty, we think we've been away from home long enough" Mulan and I tell him.

"Besides there are only two things I want" I add looking at Typhoon.

"What would they be?" the emperor asks.

"Can I punch Chi-fu? He's been a pain since the beginning" I tell him and he nods his head. I grab Chi-fu by the collar and punch him in the face. Breaking his nose. "That felt really satisfying" I state smiling. "Ready to go home?" I ask Mulan.

"Before you do" the emperor states. "Take this so that your family will not what you've done for me" he says placing his necklace around my neck. Before grabbing Shan-yu's sword and holding it out to Mulan. "And this, so the whole world will know what you've done for China" he states handing the sword to Mulan. Who hugs him and then hugs the others. While I hug Typhoon pecking him on the cheek.

Our horses appear and we mount them after Mulan said goodbye to Shang. "Khan/Zeus lets go home" we tell our horses. We then run all the way home where we head to the garden to see father sitting under the cherry tree.

"Mulan, Luna" he says and we kneel before him.

"Father, we brought you the sword of Shan-yu" Mulan states handing him the sword.

"And the crest of the emperor" I add placing the necklace on the sword.

"They're gifts, to honour our family" we explain. Father puts them down and pulls us into a hug.

"The greatest gifts of honour, are having you for daughters" he tells us. "I've missed you both so" he states.

"We missed you too Baba" Mulan assures him.

Third person POV

"Great they bring home a sword" Grandmother Fa tells Fa Li. "If you ask me, they should of brought home me..." she starts to say.

"Excuse me" two male voices say. Grandmother Fa and Fa Li to see two young men, one holding a helmet. "Does Fa Mulan and Fa Luna live here?" they ask. Both women point towards the trio and the men thank them.

"Sign me up for the next war" Grandmother Fa states.

Luna's POV

"Typhoon!" I cheer and throwing my arms around him. While Shang addresses father. Until he notices Mulan and becomes flustered.

"You forgot your helmet, I mean your helmet" Shang says holding the helmet out to father and Mulan. Father nods to Mulan who takes the helmet.

"Would you and Typhoon like to stay for dinner?" she asks.

"Would you like to stay forever?" Grandmother calls.

"Dinner would be great" Shang and Typhoon states.

"But I must speak to your father alone" Typhoon adds. So Mulan and I escort Shang inside with mother & grandmother. Leaving Typhoon and father to speak alone.

Third person POV

"You are the doctor who wishes to marry my youngest daughter" Fa Zhou states.

"I am, I have grown to love you daughter great honourable Fa Zhou. I ask for your blessing to court and marry Luna?" Typhoon states.

"I have heard of you Li Typhoon, you an honourable and brave man. An amazing doctor and would give Luna's an amazing life. I can tell you both have deep feelings for each other. But know if you ever hurt my daughter, you will pay with your life. Now lets go inside" Fa Zhou states. Together they go inside and Typhoon sits beside Luna as they eat dinner.

(After dinner) Luna's POV

"Dinner was amazing" Typhoon states as we sit under the cherry tree.

"I'm glad you came" I say placing a hand on his and he intertwines our fingers. "Typhoon what are we?" I ask leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I want to court you and if you'll have me, marry you one day" he says quietly. My heart beat speeds up.

"I'd like that" I say looking up into his eyes. "But my parents" I start to say.

"I already have your father's blessing and I'm sure your mother will give us hers" he tells me. "But first, there's something I've been dying to do since we saved the emperor" he states. Leaning and I do so to until we kiss each other gently, lovingly. It's my first kiss and it is perfect. Before Typhoon we got mother's blessing and organized our first date.


Gif above of everyone bowing to Mulan and Luna. Picture on the external link of the gifts from the emperor. See you lovely readers in the Epilogue.

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