I Could Just Be Sick.... Right?

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Haley's POV:

(one week later 8:00 a.m.)

I felt sick at about 6:00 a.m., so Sam told me to lay my head on his chest. I fell asleep until about 7:50 ,and i felt really nauseous, when i woke up. I decided i should wake Sam up just incase which was a good idea, because shortly after I woke him up I found myself running to the bathroom, and puking into the the toilet with Sam right behind me rubbing my back for the 3rd time this morning .

"Haley do you think you might be Pregnant?" Sam asked in a sort of excited and proud tone.

"I'm probably just sick or something," I said in a nervous tone.

" Haley, you never get sick, and plus, if you were, you'd be feeling something other than nauseated," Sam said trying to prove his point.

As much as i hate to admit it, Sam is right. My cycle was supposed to start two days ago, and it didn't. Shit, I might really be pregnant.

Zach, has apparently noticed how nauseated I've been all week, and bought 3 pregnancy tests for me yesterday. Thank god he did, I would've probably freaked out because they would obviously be mine.

(after taking the tests)

Sam, Zach, and I all stood in my bathroom without saying a word. The funny thing about it through, is that unlike most teenage boys, Sam actually wants me to be pregnant, because he said he's ready to be a dad, even though he's only 17.

( 20 minutes later )

Since I was too nervous to look, and Zach didn't want to touch something I peed on, Sam looked at the results. Since there was a pause before Sam told us the results I got really scared.

" HALEY............. WE'RE GONNA BE PARENTS!" Sam said jumping up and down as I just stood there shocked.

" Congratulations," Zach said as he rubbed my stomach.

Zach and I are ok again. It turns out he was drunk the night he punched and kicked me, and he had been on drugs while we were dating. He isn't anymore, thank god, because if he was I'd be scared to see what he'd do.

" Hi, baby, this is your uncle Zach! I love you SOOOO much already, bye!" Zach said as he talked to the baby that was apparently growing in my stomach.

Was I seriously the only person who was scared about having a kid. First of all, I can't cheer anymore if I have a kid. Along with that, my 15th birthday is in 4 days, and now whenever I move I'll be scared that I'll  hurt the baby. Sam could tell how nervous I was, so he tried to comfort me.

" Honey, it's all gonna be ok, I promise," Sam said as he rubbed my back moving his hand in a circular motion.

" SAM, YOU DON'T KNOW THAT! ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN!" I choked through my sobs.

" True, but you still have to accept the fact that you're pregnant," Sam said as he kissed my cheek.

"Yeah, I know," I said as I wiped one last tear from my eye.

" come on, you should try to get some sleep," Sam said to me as he carried me to my bed and placed me on it, then began exiting he room.

" Sam," I said in a soft tone, " will you, please, lie down with me?" I spoke as I patted the spot next to me on my bed.

" sure," Sam said as he climbed back into bed. I fell asleep after about 5 minutes of me being cuddled up to Sam.

Sam's POV:

I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad! I'm so happy, but Haley seems like she's really nervous. I wish I could convince her everything will be ok, but she won't believe me. Since Haley's asleep now, I crawled out of bed, and got my phone out of the bathroom where I had forgotten it and checked the time. It was 10:34 a.m., so I decided I should get dressed. I still had to go shopping for Haley's birthday gifts, and Zach agreed to go with me, since he knows everything she likes. After Zach and I got into Connor's car, i decided to text Haley.

To: Haley Buggy <3

Hey, gorgeous. I know you probably aren't awake yet, but Zach and I went to the mall. I can't tell you why though, that's a surprise ;) anyways, I love you and my baby soooo much <3 bye :)

About 5 minutes later I got a reply from Haley.

From: Haley Buggy <3

I know, Zach texted me too :P . Oh, and the girls and I were planning on going to the mall, today, but if we still go I'll make sure to stay away from u guys though. :D  LUV U BUNCHES, BYE :)

Wow, I said as I walked into the mall. I had already found one of the things I wanted to get for Haley.

Haley's POV:

I got up, so I could get dressed. I wasn't feeling nauseous anymore, so I guess I just had morning sickness. I walked over to my closet and it picked out a blue crop top with a peace sign on it and a pair of medium wash, ripped shorts.

 "Might as well wear stuff like this while I can," I mumbled under my breath.

I quickly got dressed, threw my hair in a messy bun, and put on some clear lip-gloss and black eyeliner. When I went downstairs I looked in the living room, and looked on my couch to see Maddy, Eden, and Acacia?????

"Hey," Acacia said in a tone as if she felt bad.

" Hey, guys," I said as I grabbed a doughnut and my Starbucks that they had brought for me.

"hey, sorry for what happened at the party, I didn't know you guys were, well, together," Acacia spoke sounding really  embarrassed.

" It's fine," I said as I took another bite of my doughnut.

" Hey I was thinking we could get highlights or something today instead of going to the mall," Eden said before taking a sip of her coffee.

" NO!" I said quickly realizing that the chemicals from the dye could hurt the baby," we should just dip dye it instead!" I suggested.

" ummmm ok then, oh and nice tattoos and piercings by the way," Maddy said.

" Thanks!" I said as I started boiling water and taking Kian's Kool-Aid out of the pantry.

( 2 hours later )

Our hair actually turned out really well. Acacia and Eden picked purple, red, fuchsia, and dark blue for me which looks way better than I expected it to. I picked light blue, pink, and green for Eden, which looked amazing with her long blonde hair. Maddy picked red and blue for herself. While I picked purple, pink, and blue for Acacia. We actually looked really good!

Since the guys are supposed to be here in a few minutes, even though we're a little hungry, we've  decided to wait a little longer. Right now, we're just sitting on the couch playing truths  until they get here. I texted Sam a few minutes ago, and he said they'd be here in about 20 minutes and that they're bringing pizza.

"Haley have you and Sam had sex?" Eden asked just assuming I'd say no.

"Ummmm yeah, we actually have," I said nervously.

" Haley, can I talk to you for a second?" Acacia asked sounding just as nervous as I was.

" Sure," I said as I made my way to the elevator gesturing for Acacia to follow.

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