Regretting decisions made in the past, things don't go according to plan for Lily, When she has no choice but to fight the person she thought was her brother, that's when she discovers a traitor in their mids. While trying to find the traitor she fo...
Personality: Alex is witty and creative, also being quite antisocial because of her social anxiety disorder. They have an imagination without limits and are very unorganized. They're shy and awkward, but once you know them they're very humourous and sarcastic, greeting friends with playful insults.
Wand: Dragon heartstring core, laura wood, 14" 1/4 inch
Like: Books, animals, quidditch, muggle internet and technology, chocolate, Halloween, art, muggle music.
Personality: Seamus is slightly feminine, maybe a light layer of muggle makeup, but not much. He's a very forgiving and gentle person, and despite his bashfulness, can be quite extroverted. He's honest and loyal.
Likes: Origami, dandelions, lions, milkshakes.
Dislikes: Stereotypes I guess
Special something: gay
Gender: Male
Connection to Lily: Occasionally passing in the hallway