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In the taxi on the way there, I couldn't help but to compare it to home. It was louder, that I knew for sure. And, maybe it was just because of the company I was keeping, but it was better than home.

Thomas' hand was warm, unlike mine, that was cold and sweaty. I was mostly worried about what everyone would say, how they would react.

Would they think I wasn't good enough to be his girlfriend? They would be right. I knew that, and I still know it.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). I'm here. You will be fine, and I will protect you." Thomas said assuredly. I scooter closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"We're here." The cabbie said. Thomas had made a joke earlier that we would be the only ones not showing up in limos.

He was wrong though. I don't think I saw a single limo as I stepped out. Some came with own cars, with friends dropping them off. I excitedly wrapped my arms around Thomas' waist, and he put his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

We walked down the long carpet, answering some questions and posing for the paparazzi.

"How long have you two been together?"

T: "A month and a half."

"What's your name miss?"

Y: (Y/N) (Y/L/N)

That one screwed me over, because suddenly they went silent. I worried they would bring up my father. It had only been small town news for a while, but then it made national news.

That's when Thomas pointed at someone. A lot of others did it took, nudging, pointing, and taking pictures. That's when I noticed the limo.

Time went slow. I saw one man step out, and offer the next person his hand. The other person took it, then slung his arm over his shoulder.

I tilted my head and knitted my eyebrows together. They looked really familiar.

"Dan! Phil! Are you two finally together?"

My eyes widened, and I let out a squeak. Thomas looked at me. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Are you okay?"

The sudden minimal commotion kept me from hearing their answer. They heard Thomas, apparently, and glanced our way.

"Oh." Breathlessly left my lips.

I blacked out.


I opened my eyes to a completely blurry world. I heard voices, but they seemed far and quiet.

"Is she alright?"

"I think so."

"Why did she faint? Was it the people or something?"

"No, I think it was you two. She mentioned something about you two while she was asleep once. You two, and "Phan" what-,"

I shot up. "Phan!" I repeated. Thomas hugged me. "Don't do that again. (Y/N) you scared me."

I looked behind his shoulder. Dan and Phil stood there. Now, if it wasn't enough that they were actually close enough for me to touch, they were holding hands.

I thought I was going to faint again, then asked, "How long?"

Phil gave Dan a pointed look. He squeezed his hand and said, "A while. We just-"

"Nuh-uh. Not we. This was all him." Phil butted in. "I wanted to tell them when it first happened, but he insisted that the mystery would be better."

I put my hand to my head. "I can't believe it. I-oh anyway."

I looked at Thomas. "This is my boyfriend, Thomas Sanders." They smiled at each other. "We've met." They said in unison.

I shrugged. "Well-" I said, standing up. "Let's get this party started. Gentlemen, would you join us?" Thomas put his arm in mine as we waited for their response.

"It would be rude to say no to a fan." Dan responded. I nodded and grabbed Dan's hand without thinking.

"Lets go then."

A/N: I'VE BEEN WANTING TO INCLUDE PHAN SINCE THE BEGINNING! If you don't know what Phan is, read that little section again. Then put Dan + Phil together (see what I did there?) and...well anyway you get it.
Q: Do you support Phan?
And all of you already know my answer.
Later Lovelies 🌹♥️

Thomas Sanders x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now