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I yawned and rolled over on my bed. I realized Thomas wasn't where he had been the night before. I shot up.

I looked around the room cautiously. "Patton..." I mumbled, hoping he would hear me. As soon as requested, he showed up by me on the bed. "Hey. How are you holding up?" He asked, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I grunted. "Perfect. Hey, where's Thomas." Patton grinned at me and placed a finger to his lips. "It's a secret. Don't worry, he'll be here in about...5 seconds." Patton disappeared.

Thomas pushed the door open and walked toward me. "How about a nice, romantic breakfast in bed, hmm?" He asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. I shook my head at him. "You had me worried." He rolled his eyes and placed the food on my lap. "Eat up."

I did as I was told and came to find he was an amazing cook. "Oh my god." I said with my mouth full. Blushing, I swallowed. "This is fantastic." He grinned. "Really?" I nodded. I patted the empty space next to me. He obediently sat and snuggled next to me.

We ate in silence, listening to nothing and feeling everything good in the world.

Later, around noon, we were on the couch catching up on Steven Universe, when Roman called. I got up reluctantly and went for the kitchen. Roman was in there with a clearly exhausted Virgil. I smirked. "I wonder what you two did last night."

Virgils head shot up and he glared at me. "Not sex, if that's what your thinking." He spat. I took a few steps back at the sudden hostility and raised my hands in innocence. "Woah, sorry." He rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone. Roman walked over to me. "I need your help."

My eyes wandered over to Virgil. "With the, uh, boyfriend?" Virgil heard and shot me daggers with his eyes. "If you can even call me that anymore."

Roman pulled me away. "Hey Thomas! I'm gonna borrow (Y/N) for a second okay?" Thomas looked at me and nodded. "Bring her/him back."

Roman pulled me into his room. I gasped. "Woah, I like. I think I've only ever seen this in videos." Roman shrugged. "It's pretty great. But listen. So, I may or may not have screwed up pretty bad." I rolled my eyes. "No, that wasn't obvious." Roman glared. "Alright alright. Sheesh. Okay. Tell me what happened."

Roman took a deep breath and looked away. "Given the...well, way things have been lately, I was under a lot of pressure. I almost never caught a break, and in that case, neither did Virgie. However, he was used to it. I wasn't. So, anyway, we got into a spat about if you were healthy for the relationship or not and, no offense, but I was against it." He watched me. I nodded, just shrugging, but what he said hurt. Because it was true. Thomas' life had been worse since I had shown up. He continued. "Well, that spat lead on into last night, and when he tried to apologize, I accidentally, may or may not have said, 'well, at least now I know how it feels to be you.' and he replied, 'what?' and...and...I said, 'useless'."

I gasped at him. Roman began crying. "Why would I say that? I'm so, so STUPID!" He shouted. My heart broke for him. That was pretty bad. I hugged him and wiped away his tears. "C'mon now Princey. You're Virgils one and only. You hurt him pretty badly, but I know you can make it up to him. I need you to apologize sincerely and then, you know, do your thing. Give him a romantic surprise that'll really sweep him off his feet. You're impossible to resist." Roman smiled. "Thank you." He whispered.

We left and I started walking for the living room. "Hey (Y/N)." I turned around. Roman smiled. "I can see why Thomas loves you so much. And you definitely need to stay." I smiled back.


I looked at myself in the mirror. I had thrown on a sweater and jeans and a pair of converse. It was nothing fancy, just like Thomas had requested.

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