Chapter Two: Getting Ready

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    Getting Ready


   After announcing each team, all of them were dismissed and Team 7 briefly spent time together to know more about each other's likes and dislikes. Sakura would constantly stare at the handsome ravenette she's with, and would sometimes ask a few questions which he answers with a smile.

    Also, since they were going to meet their teacher at the exact same day, they came back to the classroom. The other teams have probably already met up with their teachers, which made them more excited and delighted to see their future sensei.

    Only a few moments passed until the door creaked open, revealing a tall man with spiky silver hair, who wears a mask that covers a large portion of his face. He walked in silently, standing across the three students before speaking aloud. 

    "I'm Hatake Kakashi. Go ahead and introduce yourselves. Tell me your likes, dislikes, hobbies, ambitions." 

     Sakura and Sasuke realized that Kakashi should be telling them about himself first, but disregarded this thought when their blond friend yelled.

     "I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I like ramen, especially at Ichiraku's! I want to learn many techniques to become a great ninja, believe it! My dream is to become the Hokage and surpass all the previous ones!" He grinned proudly, his voice laced with determination.

     Kakashi smirked and responded, "Interesting." 

     The silver-haired jonin pointed at the pinkette, a signal for her to be the next one to speak up.

      Instead of being nervous, she smiled, "I'm Haruno Sakura! I like to train so that I can be a great shinobi, and the person I like is. . ." she stopped momentarily then looked at the Uchiha. ". . . also, I like hanging out with my friends, especially Ino." 

      "Well. . . some girls at your age likes boys rather than training. Luckily you want to be a great shinobi which is quite interesting for a girl." Kakashi commented at Sakura's description to herself. "Last guy." He added afterwards.

      "My name's Uchiha Sasuke. I like many things. I don't hate anything in particular. I love my clan, family, and specially my brother. I also like to train. I dream to be as good as my nii-san, Itachi." Sasuke let out a smile genuine smile as he said those words.

       Sakura got even more in love with this guy. 

      "Well, it seems that you three are very interesting indeed. You all have different attitudes, dreams and plans for the future. And if I'm right, Iruka told you all that first activity starts tomorrow, correct?" 

      The three pupils nodded.

     ". . . Good, get ready and train your butts later. Wake up at three in the morning tomorrow. Meet me at the nearby forest. EAT YOUR BREAKFAST PROPERLY! The activity will be held all day, got it?" with a poof, the silver-haired man was gone.

    The blonde, pinkette and ravenette stared awkwardly at each other, letting his works sink in.

    ". . . wait. . . did he say train our butts?" Naruto asked.


published ++ april 28, 2014 // 04.28.14 //

edited / revised ++ 11.29.15, 10:59 AM

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