Chapter Twenty-three: Sakura's Mission

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      A month has passed from now. Things went smooth, Sasuke already got over his clan’s death although I know that deep inside of him, he badly wants to be with his family. I still continued to put pressure to my Kusanagi that a retarded snake gave me—and by retarded snake, I meant Orochimaru. 

        “Chakra control...” I said as I closed my eyes and began focusing, “pressure...meditation,”


        I literally jumped from my position at my room when my mother shouted. Jeez. I began fixing the books and putting them again on my book shelf as I released big, exaggerated yawns. I haven’t sleep a lot lately because I was focusing on my chakra meditation. 

        I went out of my room, as I ate lunch at our dining room with mom and dad. 



        “Orochimaru-sama, everything’s set,” 

        I smirked. “Good,” I answered as I crossed my arms, “Those Konohagakure ninjas will surely be surprised.”

        “They will be, Orochimaru-sama,” Kabuto nodded.

         “And with this plan, we can also take Sakura Haruno with us...”



       It’s afternoon. It means there’s also gonna be a training with Kakashi-sensei. Sasuke’s been acting cold with us ever since his clan was dashed off, while Naruto remained concerned with him. Kakashi-sensei was still helping me with my Kusanagi, and I always tell him to never speak anyone about my condition.

         Here at the Team 7 training grounds, I feel relieved since my old life is back. There’s no more retarded snake going around, checking on me. There’s also no more four-eyed moron arguing with me. This really feels like home.


          Kakashi-sensei said as I panted. Harder? You’re probably going to think why he said that, but I am supposed to blow seven long wooden logs, standing vertically with one kick or punch. I only managed to punch the first log, that’s why Kakashi replaced another one to make it seven again. Ugh.

           “Kaka...shi-sensei...” I said, panting. “W-we’ve been... for hours. Unfair, Naruto and Sasuke never did this task!”

           He raised an eyebrow at me, “They don’t have the Kusanagi, Sakura. I expect you know chakra control since you put pressure on your curse mark,” he whispered.


           I punched again, but again, I only managed to freakin put down one! That’s why he replaced the wrecked one again. I’m going crazy here! UGGGGH!




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