Chapter Twenty-seven: Hi there, Tsunade.

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HOLY FRICKIN SHET (okay sorry for that)

Anyway, I'm really glad that this story reached 49K reads and 2.2K votes! OMFG I know that there are some scenes which I find very stupid (lol you gotta agree) and there are a gajillion typos. *insert crying emoticon* but, you guys still held on and I'm so glad! I promise to edit this soon. You are free to check out my other stories. *insert smiley emoticon* (shameless plugging hehe :3)

Here's a question, lol. Does any of you watch Kuroko no Basuke/Kuroko no Basket/Kuroko's Basketball?

ANYWAY KISE IS MINE, LOVES. (I'm just on season two since I just started watching and I haven't seen Mr. Absolute's -cough- appearance but I know he's hot too mehehe hopefully I'd stay loyal to my Kise)

Anyway, here's the chap!


"I'm hungry," the sun-kissed blonde stretched his arms sideward, yawning exaggeratedly. He placed his arms down, rubbing his shoulder as he walked carelessly. The man beside him rolled his eyes inwardly, hearing the blond boy's statement.

The man sighed, "Didn't I give you your lunch earlier?"

Naruto faced him with a bored look, "Yeah, and we've been traveling for two hours, you perverted geezer."

Jiraiya, the man who was traveling with Naruto, got peeved by how the blond addresses him. "Why the heck are you even calling me perverted? I'm innocent, kid!" he defensed, but it was affirmative that his last statement was a joke.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders, "Because you look perverted."

"Whatever, it's not like your any pure and decent compared to me," the man mumbled in annoyance.

Naruto eventually agreed with Jiraiya's offer-due to the fact that the man said the word 'hokage', which made Naruto's ears active. In addition, Jiraiya told him that they'd find a new hokage, which was a relief in Naruto's side, considering that his friends might go astray due to what happened to Hiruzen. There was a possibility that they can go to the wrong path, and Jiraiya knew that Naruto wasn't up for that option.

But what was troubling Naruto?

It was simple-there was a question that troubles him: who will be the new hokage, and why that person?

The blond shook his head, pushing his thoughts aside. He turned beside Jiraiya and at some point, he decided to have a normal and decent conversation with the man-even though it was enough to tell that they were both blockheads.

"Hey," he started off, "What should I call you then, rather than perverted geezer?"

Jiraiya shrugged, "Something positive like, 'handsome'?" With that, his eyes sparkled.

"Ew, no." Naruto was eventually taken aback by Jiraiya's answer. He then placed his index finger on his chin, thinking of what creative nickname suits the perverted man.

"Ah! I know!" A devilish grin crossed against Naruto's lips. "How 'bout, Ero-sennin?"


"Yeah! You know, 'cause you're a pervert and you summon frogs and stuff."

(Translation: Ero-sennin - Pervy Sage)

Jiraiya let out a sigh, "What good is that compared to 'perverted geezer'?"


"Aaah! Isn't it great, Naruto?! We finally had to eat after two hours of traveling! And the best thing is, there's so many beautiful girls here!"

Naruto's forehead creased but later on, his eyes formed anime tears which eventually flowed down his face, and getting his green, toad-shaped wallet.

"Gama-chaaan!" he whined, "Gama-chan's not happy!"

"Gama-chan? Who the hell is that?" Jiraiya stopped his perverted looks to the girls, sparing Naruto a second to talk.

Naruto handed out his wallet, still sulking. "This is Gama-chan, my pet; it's happy when it's fat and full of money. It was so happy earlier, but then you freaking took every cent inside and paid your sake in this bar! I didn't even get to eat!"

Gama-chan is clearly Naruto's wallet-which he refers to as his pet.

Jiraiya laughed, "Oh sorry, kid! Your wallet was-"

"You're just tricking me, Ero-sennin! You're not going to find the next hokage! You were just after my money, dattebayo!" Naruto yelled.

Jiraiya rubbed his temples, to Naruto's dismay. Clearly, he was joking around-and was still believing that despite Jiraiya's actions, the man really wanted to find the new 'hokage'. He didn't really intend to shove his negative comment to Jiraiya, making him guilty of his words.

"Of course I'm not, kid." He stood up from his chair and led Naruto outside. He faced another bar, next to the place they went.

He opened the door of the next bar he has spotted and smiled at Naruto, "You want to meet the new hokage, right?"

Both of them entered the bar; as Naruto examined the place but Jiraiya's eyes were stuck to one place. The blond followed his gaze-leading to all beautiful woman at her 40's, drinking her sake.

Jiraiya soon approached the woman, making Naruto go along.

A grin etched on Jiraiya's lips and gave out a half-wave, "Hi there, Tsunade."


Sucky chapter, sorry. I lack ideas. lol and I don't know why, but my mind was thinking about KnB while writing this. :o

Anyway, Naruto really addresses his frog wallet, 'Gama-chan'. :) look it up, ppl.

Thanks for reading! Shall update soon! (lol leaving you with a cliffhanger again XD)

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