Chapter Thirteen: Help

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     "Nice work there, dobe." Sasuke grunted.

    "Yeah, I know. Cool, right?" The sun-kissed blond grinned, crossing his arms above his chest triumphantly.

    "I was joking, don't flatter yourself now, alright."


   "Okay, that's enough." Kakashi sighed, breaking the fight between the two.

    Naruto averted his eyes on the masked Hatake, his cheerful expression suddenly fading; cerulean eyes turning hard while concern was painted across his face. He swallowed, opening his mouth to speak but he was beat to it.

   "If you go by yourself to search for Sakura, you'll end up dead. Don't be hasty," Kakashi noted.

    The younger one frowned, "Teme will go with me!"

   "Both of you will die."

    Naruto clencbed his teeth, trying to calm himself down. He knew that his teacher was correct, but no way can he just stand there calmly. Sakura must be saved as early as possible. He knows how threatening Orochimaru's strength was, and it's no joke.

    The silver-haired jounin noticed his student's uneasy facade. He breathed out, "Just wait 'till the exam is over, alright?"

     Hearing this, Naruto sealed his lips into a thin line. Until the exam is over, please stay strong, Sakura.


It was the time for the last match. "The last match is between Rock Lee and Gaara Sabaku." Hayate announced. The fighters went down.


The first attack was held by Lee, which he pressumed to fight Gaara using taijutsu at will. Gaara's sand protected him though, so it wasn't much of a trouble.

"BUSHY BROW!!!" Naruto yelled.

"Nicknames, ah." Kakashi muttered.

On the second time, Lee used his Font Lotus, which made some damages unseen by Gaara. Lee thought again.

"There's no ninja who only uses taijutsu."

Neji's words, of course. Neji was his rival. His opponent. Nevertheless, his friend. His teammate, his companion. He can win, can he? Or will he?

"Watch me, Neji!" Lee exclaimed.

Lee went up, removing the heavy stuffs on his feet. He dropped it and the ground shuffled. He ran fastly in semi circles and counter clock wise through Gaara. Indeed, he is now faster.

Observations were needed.

Predictions were impossible.

Lee actually has the chance to win.

In this battle, Neji already activated his Byakugan. Sasuke and Kakashi activated their Sharingan. It was too fast to even be seen.

"OH KAMI! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Naruto shouted in disbelief.

Rock Lee ended up beating Gaara which was absolutely unexpected. But..


Gaara moved his sand to crush Rock Lee's left foot. He scolded in pain. Gaara got up and wanted to kill his opponent eagerly.


"Stop this,"

Gai went down and stopped the battle himself.

Gaara was announced as the winner and Lee was brought to the hospital.

"Okay, since the exam is over, can we go find Sakura-chan now?!" Naruto asked eagerly.

"We might need some other help. You don't know what you're up against." The silver haired man warned.

"Fine, then let's go find her tomorrow, maybe?" Naruto pleaded with no other choice.

"I suppose."


Uchiha Compound

Sasuke came home, tired and bruised up. He took a night shower, change into his simple clothes. Mikoto Uchiha, Sasuke's mother, swiped some bandages and put it upon her son.


Sasuke called; Which made her mom look on to him. She glanced sweetly at her dear son.

"Yes, Sasuke?" she asked naturally.

"Sakura is missing."

Mikoto thought for a moment, remembering Sasuke's childhood friend; and former teammate.

"Why? What happened?" she asked heavily.

"She was kidnapped and I might need help finding her along with Naruto."

  Mikoto paused.

"I think I know someone who can help."

(A/N: I typed this on my phone, that's why its short. I'm still thinking of what will happen to Sakura. So vote, comment and fan!)

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