Chapter Five: First Activity [3]

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  First Activity [3]


    "I'm going to the west direction to look for the lake," Sasuke said in determination. "I'll see you both back here later."

     He turned around and started to walk away from his two companions, but he soon halted when Sakura grabbed his arm.

     "I think it would be better if Naruto and I come with you," she said, "Who knows what can happen? Maybe more traps are in store for us."

      For a moment, the ravenette darted his eyes to Sakura's hands, holding onto his. He cleared his throat and gave a nod, "Alright. Let's go."

     Hence, the three genin ran to the west direction.


     "I really wanna find out who did this to us." Naruto muttered while traveling.

     They made it to the west part of the forest. There were countless of trees and it the way back to the middle part seemed to be confusing.

      "Well, I guess you found the lake." A familiar voice spoke, making the three tens slightly jump.

       Kakashi-sensei, you bastard!

      "S-sensei?! Well, where's the lake?" was Sakura's reaction.

      The silver-haired jōnin jumped to a tree branch along with his pupils. He pointed a not-so-far lake, "That's the Mythical Lake."

     Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto stared at the lake in awe, completely surprised by its beauty. Afterwards, Naruto grinned, "Yosh! Then let's start our activity!!"

       "But before that," Sakura intervened, "were you the one pulling pranks on us, Kaka-sensei?"

       A light laugh escaped Kakashi's mouth, "Well, kinda. . ."

      "Sensei. . ." Sakura called out with a small, forced smile on her lips.



     "T-That won't be necessary, S-Sakura! Calm d-down!" Kakashi sweat-dropped, surprised by his student's rampage.

    "Fine, I'm just gonna kill you in your sleep." Sakura glared at him, crossing her arms.

   "Why? I didn't do yours so bad. Just a spider crawled on your face." was the silver-haired man's comment.

   "That's the point! A stupid spider crawled over my face." The pinkette touched her face while replying, shedding imaginary tears.

  "Why would you do those things, Kakashi-sensei? I'm soaking wet." Sasuke interrupted the two.

  "Yeah, and my fight foot hurts because of the rope's grip." Naruto added.

  "No reason. Well, I'm still glad you made it. Troop along~" The masked Hatake released his famous eye-smile, waving his hand dismissively.

  "What about the activity?" Sakura asked in confusion.

  "This is the activity." He replied shortly.


  "Listen, the teamwork you held, and the bonds you had, that's enough proof to tell that you three are deserving to pass my test." Kakashi explained, placing his hands inside his pockets. 

  "Wow, easy as that? Nice!" The blond Uzumaki grinned in relief.

  "Well I guess that's good news. But after I get home, I'll definitely wash my whole face. Ew, just gross." 

  "Alright then, good luck on your way back!" Kakashi noted as he disappeared with a poof.

  The three pupils gasped.

  Naruto exhaled sharply, "D-Does anyone know the way back home?"

  The pink-headed girl's throat felt dry, to the point that she could barely speak, "N-No. . ."

  "I-I'm afraid. . . not." Even the Uchiha replied with a slightly nervous voice.

   Kakashi is just the best teacher, isn't he?

  "Hey, Naruto. . . Sasuke. . ." Sakura called the two, gaining their attention afterwards. They looked at her, waiting for her to speak again. 

  "After we get find a way out of this forest, we get to kill Kakashi-sensei, okay?" Sakura continued, gritting her teeth. 



  "Now, let's find our way back!"


    The three students expected their journey towards home to be long and tiring, but they didn't expect that they haven't found their way back when the sun sets. It was already six in the evening, the sun was going down and they were feeling hopeless.

    "I think I'm going to die. . ." Sakura sighed as she flopped down her body on the bed of grass, "we can't find our way back."

    "She's right. . . I'm so tired I don't even know where we are anymore. . ." Naruto complained.

    "My body's giving up as well." Sasuke protested.

    "So. . . we're gonna spend our night here? I haven't even took my face to the sink." Sakura asked, feeling slightly disappointed.

   "It looks like we would. If we continue, we would just waste our energy, and might even go farther than we already are. So I think we should spend our night here, then wake up early." The ravenette instructed.

   "Fine, just this once. . ." 

  "We will find our way back tomorrow, BELIEVE IT!" 


published ++  may 2014

edited / revised ++ 11.30.15, 11:01 AM

nov 30 - happy birthday to a friend, EM! :) 

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