Chapter Twenty: Comforting a Friend

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Oh my God guys. Sorry that I wasnt able to update, really. I was soooo busy with my studies, personal life and my other fanfics that I wasnt able to make a new chapter of this! Forgive mee! But since I havent updated long ago, heres a recap of the last chapter!

Recap: Kakashi and Sakura discussed some things about the Uchiha massacre and Sasuke admitted to Naruto that Itachi was the one who killed his clan, and gave him his trust to Naruto to not tell him anyone about it.


Chapter Twenty: Comforting a Friend
Sakura's POV

                        I was plainly looking at the white ceiling at my room. I was still confused and was still over thinking what happened with the Uchihas. I mean, I do have some business about it since my teammate belongs to that particular clan. Who could've killed them? And who is strong enough to do such a thing? Would it be Kabuto? Yes, he's strong but his power can't hold on every Uchiha. Uchihas are powerful, more or less they can kill Kabuto if he's planning to massacre their clan. 

                       But then, could it be Orochimaru? Like I said, he, too, is powerful yet Itachi Uchiha is more powerful and above all, when you combine all the Uchihas, they might kill Orochimaru as well. Everything is so confusing and irritating, I just pity Sasuke so much that I want to solve this mystery and comfort him.

                         I like Sasuke, is there so much to ask?

                         But like what Kakashi-sensei said, Itachi was confirmed that he's alive. Maybe he was out of Konoha when this happened, but where is he now? Why isn't he arriving when his little brother needs him? 

                          Leaving my thoughts aside, I begin the chakra meditation that sensei recommeded me with. I took some books out of my book shelf, and began reading. I sat around the floor, closed my eyes, and started focusing. This step is wherein I try supressing the Kusanagi.

                           I fold my hands, and I see green chakra covering my whole body while I supress it. The curse mark became visible, and I frown. I continued to try chakra meditation, and sighed.

                             When I finished, I decided to go to the Hokage's office and ask if Itachi has a record of mission when the Uchiha massacre happened. I know that I'm kindamaybesorta trying to act like I'm apart of their clan, but I'm just concerned with Sasuke-kun.

                          I went out, walking while I look at my hand. The curse mark vanished. I guess I should learn to control it. Only Kakashi-sensei knows about this and I should try to hide it from others. This is all Orochimaru's damn fault.

                               At the corner of my eye, I see Naruto, walking out of Sasuke's house. When Naruto was nowhere to be seen anymore, Sasuke straightly went to the forest. Then something hit me.

                              He never smiled anymore, like me.

                            I was suppose to go to the Hokage, yes, but my friend needs me now. Sasuke needs me now and I shall comfort him. I know that I can't even help myself, so how can I help Sasuke? But I just want him to smile. That genuine, sweet, honest smile. 

                             I feel like the old Sasuke is gone. 

                          I went to the same direction as him. I saw him near the river, by a tree. I called out, "Sasuke! Hey!" He looked at my questioningly, but I shrugged it off.

                            "Sakura..." he uttered my name, "I never asked you how you got back." he says.

                            "Long story, so... uhhh.. how are you?"

                            He doesn't answer, and I looked down at my feet. Of course he's sad. What kind of person would be happy if his clan was massacred? Dumbass.

                           I sighed, then hugged him. I resisted the urge to do that, but I can't do anything else. I'm not good in comforting using words, so how about a hug?



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