Chapter Nine: Second Phase, Orochimaru Appears!

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Second Phase, Orochimaru Appears!


most awaited chapter :)) enjoy

see multimedia for my edit ^


    All of the students were able to enter the second phase. Sure, some decided to quit, but the remaining definitely made it. They went out and met their proctor, which was Anko Mitarashi. The second phase was a survival exam in the Forty-Fourth Training Ground, also known as "The Forest of Death".

     "You all must obtain both an earth scroll and a heaven scroll upon entering the forest and make it to the building in its center within five days. Each team will be given one scroll, necessitating that you all somehow need to take the second scroll from another team. " Anko explained, staring into the students' eyes, studying their reactions.

Although shocked and anxious, the students nodded. "Hai!"

The second phase itself--they knew--was already hard and terrifying, however, to obtain the title of a Chūnin, they're giving their best.


     Team seven carefully made it to the middle of the forest altogether without seeing the other teams. "So, what now?" Naruto asked as he scanned the surroundings.

   "Find an earth scroll and heaven scroll." Sasuke simply stated. They went to look around and surprisingly by then, they saw many teams already on their move. But before they could go and search, someone crossed their path.

     She had long black hair and a hat that shielded her face. She spoke, her voice sounding very lady-like.

      "You guys looking for the scrolls?" she asked.

     "No, we're looking for ramen, ma'am." Naruto answered sarcastically while staring at the the lady with bored eyes.

     Ignoring the woman's presence, Team Seven continued to walk, Sasuke was at the front due to him being the leader, next up was Sakura and lastly Naruto.

     All three were busy observing the surroundings and also trying to think of possible strategies to get the scrolls until a shout came from behind. Sasuke and Sakura turned around and that was when their eyes widened.

    "Naruto?" The two exclaimed with brows creased. "Where is he?!"

     Sakura roamed her emerald eyes around the area but she couldn't even see a flash of Naruto's yellow hair. The ravenette an the pinkette stayed close to each other, careful that an enemy might have taken their blond comrade.

     "Where could he be?" the female questioned in confusion and worry.

     The Uchiha made no signs of replying. He was still, he was thinking. Sure, Naruto's safety was one of his responsibilities as the leader but he needs to take care of Sakura, too. He can't be reckless of her just because Naruto is missing.

     "Yo!" A familiar voice echoed through their ears, interrupting Sasuke's thoughts.

    Instantly, Sakura's mouth hanged open in shock. "Naruto? Where did you go, you idiot?!" she exclaimed, running towards the blond.

     Naruto smiled, forming a peace sign with his fingers. "I'll tell you, come forth, Sakura-chan!" By then, the pinkette continued to approach him, but suddenly stopped because a hand swiftly grabbed her wrist.

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