Chapter Nineteen: Trust

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                    "WHAT?!" I was going nuts will all the tension. The Uchihas were. . . massacred? That must be why Sasuke is acting like that. But question is, who killed the Uchiha clan?

                    "You heard right, Sakura. Sasuke's parents got killed. And everybody else was dispatched, too. It only happened the day before you got back." I gulped silently with Kakashi-sensei's words. What will happen to Sasuke now?

                      "But where is Itachi?" I asked. 

                      "That's the mystery. His body is not counted and has not been seen. Besides, Itachi is one of the strongest beyond the Uchihas. His presence has not been seened weeks from now, but its apporximately sure, that he was NOT killed." My teacher's words caused me to remember what Kabuto has said to me. Is this Orochimaru's doing? Did he kill the entire clan? But no, from what I've heard, Itachi is far much stronger than Orochimaru, even if this was really that guy's doing, he shall not have killed Itachi due to his lack of power. Plus, Sasuke's still alive. Why was he the only one to remain?

                       "Where was Sasuke when this happened?" I interrogated some more.

                       He sighed, "From what I've heard, Sasuke was out of his house when that happened. But he is NOT telling us something. He is hiding the truth from us."

                        I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

                       "I think he knows who killed the Uchiha."


Sasuke's POV

                      I never had the courage to tell them what Itachi-nii-san had done. I'm afraid. If they knew, what will they do? To be honest, I of course, still love my brother over after what he has done. But little by little, a little form of hate starts to concure me. I never been my old self since this has happened. I never smiled, I always went to the forest. I sometimes just wanna kill myself like how my brother did to our clan.

                          "Sasuke! Sasuke!"

                           Naruto was the one to knock; and I sighed. "Come in." I say.

                           "Hey, teme, you okay?"

                           "I'm fine."

                           "You don't look fine. And your tone is freaking the math out of me."

                           "I told you, I'm fine."

                          "No, you're not."

                           "Yes I am."

                            He sighed, "Whatever. Who killed the Uchiha clan?"

                        That moment, my world stopped. Should I really tell him? Or just keep my mouth shut? Knowing Naruto, he is very talkative and disgraceful. But he's my friend. He's trustworthy. But question is, should I trust him with THIS?

                         "Look, Sasuke, I know that you're hiding it from us." he said casually and I sighed.

                    I breathed in, "Naruto, don't tell anyone about this. The one and only guy who massacred my clan is my brother, Uchiha Itachi. I watched him kill everyone else. Everyone else but ME. He said he did that to test his capacity, but no more, no less, I still love him that's why I'm scared to speak."

                    Naruto's mouth gaped open. 

                    Then silence. 


                  "HOLY SHIT!! WHAT DID YOU SAY?! ITACHI DID WHAT?! REALLY?!!!" 

                   I gave him a nod and noted him again, "Do NOT say it to anyone else."


                   "I gave you my trust, Naruto."

(A/N: Boring chapter, sorry)

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