Chapter Eight: First Exam

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     First Exam


     The early instructions were given to Baki, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. It didn't take a lot of time, the Hokage himself along with the teachers, thoroughly explained the event tomorrow. As soon as they filled their heads with the needed information, they left the village and returned to Sunagakure.

     From a distance, three pair of eyes attached their gaze on the Suna-nins who kept walking away from Konoha.

     "Is it just me, or is that red-haired dude really creepy?" Naruto questioned with his brows creased.

"He looks normal to me," Sasuke replied while shrugging. "You don't have to say that just because you thought he's asking for your name earlier." He added in a teasing manner, a smirk on his lips.

Sakura's eyebrow rose while exchanging her gaze to Gaara and the others, and to Naruto and Sasuke. As much as she hated to admit it, her blond friend was quite right. Gaara of the Sand was not creepy, no, but he was mysterious to be more precise. It wasn't just the dark circles around his eyes that defined his unsual aura, there was something else. Maybe it was the way his eyes pierced at them? Was it his cold look?

     Sighing, the pinkette opened her mouth to speak. "Well, that's that. Let's train!"


Days felt like hours and hours felt like minutes. Today, at this point, is finally the Chūnin Exams.

All the students from different teams (in Konoha) gathered in the field early in the morning. Soon, ninjas wearing different forehead protectors entered the Hidden Leaf, making some of the Leaf shinobis tensed and anxious due to the upcoming event.

     "I hope we do well," Sakura smiled in determination while running a hand through her unique pink hair. "I'm really excited."

     "Yosh! We'll do great, Sakura-chan!" The blonde Uzumaki beside her replied quickly, a wide grin painted across his tan face.

     On the other hand, Sasuke remained silent, but his two companions knew that he, too, was excited for the Chūnin Exams--he was an Uchiha after all.


No matter how people seem different, there will always be slight similarities between them. And, for sure, there is a similarity between all the ninjas right now.

     They all hate exams.

     For the first level, all Genins were told to enter a spacious classroom to take an exam. Others may not actually be troubled because some of them are dubbed as smartass, but it's not like they enjoy taking tests.

"My name is Ibiki Morino, and I happen to be the one to give the first test." A man introduced after entering the room.

Ibiki Morino is a tokubetsu jounin of Konohagakure and the commanding officer of the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force. He is also a very strict man and has even been described as being a sadist by Kakashi Hatake.

"Eh, never heard of you." Naruto uttered boredly, earning slight and silent gasps from the others at his act of disrespect.

"Hmm, you're an annoying one, I see. However, I was entrusted to be the proctor. I'll do my job evenly and perfectly." Ibiki simply stated despite getting peeved at the blond's previous 'insult'.

"The Chūnin Exam is a type of test to see the abilities of the genin. If the genins perform well and are able to completely show their act of being worthy as a chūnin, a promotion will be brought into consideration. Got it?" He added and explained fast, smirking in the process.

"You make it look so boring, old man! I want some action!" Once again, the Uzumaki strikes with his insults.

"It won't be so boring afterwards." As much as Ibiki wanted to pound Naruto's face, he needed to calm himself--this was his job.

All of them received each test paper with exactly nine questions, which are all very tough to answer. "If one is caught as cheating, that person will be listed down and his or her entire team will not be able to continue anymore. Good luck." The proctor mentioned, his sadistic smirk growing wider.

Expectedly, Naruto gulped. He knew that if he was caught cheating (which he planned to do), not only will he not be able to continue, but also his teammates, Sasuke and Sakura. He wanted to pass the first level but he wasn't selfish to let his companions get disqualified.

And in that point of time, all of them began answering. Well this test isn't actually about knowledge. If you don't copy, then you got no answer at all. Even Sasuke Uchiha used his Sharingan to copy someone else's answer. Neji Hyuga used his Byakugan, and Naruto remained blasting off his butt- err, his head, because he doesn't even have the slightest clue with how he'd answer the inquiries.

    Sakura answered all those questions quickly, making Ino see what she's doing and using her technique to take over the pinkette's body.

"N-Naruto-kun... here, you can c-copy mine..." Hinata, who was beside Naruto, offered, slightly pushing her paper near the blond's.

He was surprised, of course. Nontheless he chuckled, shaking his head a bit then pushed Hinata's paper gently--away. "No, Hinata. I can figure out a way to answer all of these dumb questions! I can do it, believe it!"

The color pink dusted through Hinata's pale cheeks, "O-Oh. Okay." She let out a faint smile before nodding.

   The Uzumaki gazed to his other side, a sigh escaping his lips. He placed both of his hands on her head, banging his head slightly against the rough table. And here I am saying that I don't need to copy Hinata's paper when I don't even know the answers.


"Okay, time for the tenth question!" Ibiki exclaimed, gaining the Genins' attention.

"So that's why there were only nine questions." Some whispered in clarification.

"The tenth question is a do or die. If one of you do not answer this, one's entire team fails the Chūnin Exams, but if one answered incorrectly, one would remain a genin forever. So, what's the decision? Do you refuse or not?"


Just then, Naruto slowly raised his hand. Sakura (already awake and Ino returned to her normal body) and Sasuke gasped. "What is this idiot doing?" Sakura said quietly in annoyance and shock, perhaps.

"I, Naruto Uzumaki..."

"Shit, don't you dare, Naruto!" Sasuke and Sakura cussed mentally while watching the blond.

Ibiki smirked. I knew this boy would give up, sooner or later, he thought, giving out a proud smirk.

"WILL NEVER GIVE UP! I don't care if I stay as a Genin forever, I'll become the Hokage! And I'll never let my comrades down, only scums do that! Believe it!" Naruto shouted after slamming his palm on the table with a still, determined look that relieved his teammates.

Surprised--yet impressed--Ibiki nodded with a smirk. "Then all of you makes it to the second phase." He says joyfully.

The secret behind question 10, was that the question about taking the question was the question! In other words, do you want to try to answer question 10, was question 10.


published++ may 2014

edited / revised ++ feb 6, 2016, 8:57AM

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