Chapter Sixteen: Suspicious

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Dedication is up for Carrie-- @CBT123 (Sorry for saying your real name:P)

sorry for updating sooooo late!:((


             Far most, the Uchiha clan was overly suspicious about Itachi. He never attended any clan meetings anymore. He never spent any other time with his fellow Uchiha friends. Itachi did as promised, he went out with Sasuke and Naruto to find Sakura yet all they knew was they don't even know how to start the search. So then, they just thought first on how to save this girl.

                  Itachi was going out of their house, when some of his friends blocked his way, "Itachi! I think we have some unfinished business, huh? Why aren't you attending any of the meetings anymore? And did you hear the news?"

                  He gave them a questioning look, "Hn. What is it?"

              The Uchihas grunted, "You really don't know anything anymore, huh, Itachi? We're not idiots! You drowned Shisui at the Naka River! We examine it as the reason why you are no longer attending meetings," Shisui Uchiha is Itachi's closest and best friend. Like the other Uchihas, he is also bright and strong.

              "I did not do such a thing to Shisui. He is my friend, why on earth would I do that?" Itachi asks in monotone.

                "Drop the act, Itachi, you killed Shisui."

               "I did not." At that moment, their arguing continued and soon after, Itachi was forced to use a genjutsu against them to shut them up. He could never kill Shisui.


              "How are you doing, Sakura?" a voice hissed and snake-like man drew out from the darkness towards Sakura Haruno, the captured shinobi.

                    She gritted her teeth. Kabuto bowed and said, "Orochimaru-sama,"

                     Orochimaru nodded, "Please leave us first, Kabuto. I want to weild some few notes and words to this dear pinkette,"

                  "Hai." Kabuto left. Sakura was still in chains and Orochimaru walked up to her. He looked at her, head-to-toe. Sakura returned the same look and examine the snake-like man. They glared at each other but then on, Orochimaru laughed silently. 

                  "You seem like a threat," Orochimaru stated amused with this girl. 

                  "Why is that?" she questioned. 

                 "Your glare, your look, your fierce eyes . . . they look like warnings to never touch your village, friends and family. It is like a look that gives chills down people's spines. Very amusing of you, Sakura Haruno." 

                     "I think you're a little unexperienced to be called a bad guy," she tells him. 

                     "Why's that?"

                    "Because you sure know how to compliment someone."

.. .. .. 

                   Orochimaru laughed again, "Oh Sakura, you're a kind of girl. Well, you're wrong. I'm not just a bad guy, I'm a traitor. You see, I came from Konoha, the village you belong to," Sakura's mouth gaped open in shock. ". . . but you know, there were complications. I left. I betrayed. I killed. I am now a traitor. I left to gain more power, and you should realize that by now,"

                      "Realize what? That you like power? I can perfectly see it,"

                      "No, you should realize that power is everything. Turn your back on everyone. Turn your back from your village. And you will wield a strong and amazing power."

                     "Heh. No thank you, Orochimaru. I don't need it, like hell I don't." she spatted. 

                     "Too bad," said Orochimaru, "Say goodbye to your old life," and that is when he forms handseals and black numerous seals crawled up to Sakura, as she screamed at the top of her lungs. What was happening?


                  Night. It was night at Konohagakure. Thank Kami-sama that no one saw the incident that Itachi and the other Uchihas made. But anyway, during night, many people didn't go out that often especially that people have their works and they just rest after that. It was quiet. Houses were silent, streets were dimmed and the night was merely shining with stars. 

                "I must do this,"

               Itachi was at the Third Hokage's office. "In order to protect our village and our fellow shinobis, you need to do it, Itachi. I know that its tough but its for the best."

                      "H-hai. Just promise me that you will take care of Sasuke, my little brother,"

                      With a nod of the Hokage's head, he protested, "I will surely do it for a hero like you."


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Again, sorry for updating so late. I was busy:((

8.9.14 1:48 p.m, Sat ~ published.

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