Chapter 4:

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"Really? An old lady on the train?" Fiona asked.

She was currently looking at an injured Lip's foot. All of us were in the boy's room, watching what was going on. I sat beside Debbie on Lip's bed watching from up high.

"Oh yeah. The doors were closing in her walker. Lip barely got his in foot in time to stop..." Ian started to say before Lip cut him off.

"Ow! Jesus Fiona!" Lip exclaimed.

"I can't remember whether that's good or bad." Fiona admitted.

"More likely you jumped the turnstiles and he twisted it trying to outrun the transit cops." Fiona said.

The bedroom door flew open and I turned my head to see Veronica walking in.

"No. Always elevate extremities. Move before you give him a fucking embolism." Veronica ordered.

Fiona moved away and Veronica lifted Lip's foot and put a pillow under it.

"You okay Lip?" Veronica asked.

"Please don't touch it." Lip begged.

"Okay. Wiggle your toes." Veronica ordered.

I slid off the bed and joined Ian who was sitting on his bed. He looked at me and grabbed my hand.

"Go to my house, top of the freezer. Two ice packs." Veronica said.

Ian stood up, making me stand up with him. "Yeah."

"Second cupboard above the sink, liquid ibuprofen, freeze spray, Ace bandages." Veronica listed.

"Sure." Ian said.

"Should we get it x-rayed?" Fiona asked.

Ian still had a hold on my hand and dragged me to the door with him.

"No. You'll be in the ER forever. For what? Sub-metatarsal hematoma. Thanks. Tell us something we didn't know five hours ago." Veronica said.

Ian handed me my jacket and I slipped it on. I looked back at Lip who was looking at me and then he quickly looked away. Ian opened the door and I followed him before Veronica stopped us.

"My bedroom, top of the TV." She started.

"Yeah?" Ian asked stepping into the room again.

"Pack of smokes and the lighter." Veronica said.

"Okay." Ian said.

There was a knock on the front door.

"Shit. I'm not here. I'm not here." Lip yelled.

"You don't know us, Fiona!" Ian yelled running back into the room.

I ran back into the room as well to see both Ian and Lip hiding. Lip was hiding under the covers while Ian was hiding in the area under Lip's bed.

"What have you done? What have you done?" Fiona asked as she stormed out of the room.

Carl ran after her and soon the rest of us joined. We ran outside to see a truck unloading a washer. After we got the boys out of their hiding spots.

"Come on." Ian said grabbing my hand.

He dragged me down the steps and towards Veronica's house. Ian and I finally got over to Veronica's house. We were gathering the stuff she asked for downstairs.

"What really happened?" I asked opening the cupboard we were told to open.

"What?" Ian asked.

"With Lip. What really happened?" I clarified.

Ian sighed and we turned to look at each other.

"Lip found out that I'm gay and tried to get Karen to give me a hummer. Karen's dad saw Karen under the table and chased us. I ran out the back while Lip ran upstairs and jumped out the second story window." Ian explained.

"Karen Jackson?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I hate her." I muttered. 

"Why?" Ian asked confused.

"The only times I would see her was when she came over to fuck Scott." I explained.

"Why is that a problem?" Ian asked still confused.

I sighed. "Cause Lip's going to end up falling for her and she's going to break his heart. I don't want him to go through that."

"How do you know?" Ian asked.

"It happened to Scott." I shrugged.

Ian smirked and I gave him a confused look.

"What?" I asked.

"You care about Lip don't you?" Ian asked.

I shrugged once again and turned back to the open cupboard.

"So are you and Lip a thing?" Ian asked as he dug through the freezer.

"No. Why would we be?" I asked pulling the Ace bandages out of the cupboard.

"You two flirt constantly." Ian pointed out.

"So?" I asked.

I pulled the other things we needed out of the cupboard and turned to see Ian looking at me.

"Come on. You two clearly like each other." He looked at me pointedly.

"What else do we need?" I asked changing the subject.

He gave me a sad look. "Smokes and lighter."

"Lead the way." I gestured as best as I couple with things in my arms.

I followed after him up the spiral staircase and into a room. Once we entered we saw Kevin was laying in bed. Ian walked over to where the TV was and got the smokes and lighter. He looked up at the mirror and looked terrified. I turned my head to see Kevin had turned and his dick was now on full display.

Ian rushed over and started to lead me out of the room while covering me from Kevin.

"Where are you going with those?" Kevin asked.

"Veronica wants them." Ian informed him awkwardly.

"Well give me one." Kevin said.

I went to take the other stuff Ian had in his hands from him but he held the smoke pack out to me. Before he could deny, I took the stuff from him and left him with the smokes and lighter. Ian awkwardly shuffled over to the bed and placed a cigarette into Kevin's mouth and used the lighter to light the end of it. Kevin fell back into bed and Ian pushed me out of the room quickly. We quickly left their house and went back to the Gallagher's.

Once we delivered everything Veronica took care of Lip while everyone else watched the guy put in their new washer.

"Got it? Okay. Ice and Advil. And keep your weight off it." Veronica said.

I turned my head to see her helping Lip down the stairs.

"I thought you were broke." Veronica said.

"That's what I said." Ian said.

Fiona walked past me and returned with flowers. "These were in the washer."

Veronica walked over to the flowers and read the name card in them. "Steve? No."

"Yeah. Uh huh." Fiona nodded.

"Who's Steve?" Veronica asked.

"The other night." Fiona said.

Veronica's mouth dropped in response. "No."

"I know." Fiona said in disbelief.

I walked past them and walked over to the table. Sitting down, I looked up to see Ian looking at me with a semi-sad look on his face. He knew I had trouble getting anyone to like me but I kept it hidden as best as I could.

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