Chapter 16:

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As soon as the men pulled up we got into character. Music started playing and Debbie started crying. Lip wrapped his arm around my waist and I cuddled into him a little bit. Even if it was for show part of me was telling me it wasn't. The door opened and we all turned to see two men walking in.

"Sorry for you loss." The man closer to us said.

"It was a shock." Fiona said in tears.

"I'm sure." The man nodded.

I looked up to see Ian, who had just joined us moment ago, looking at me suspiciously.

"Accident was it?" The man asked.

"Suicide." Lip said.

Fiona, Debbie, and a few other people started sobbing harder. The man ran towards the casket and grabbed Frank. Debbie jumped back and let out a scream while Steve pulled Fiona back.

"I know you're faking it. Come on. Open your eyes you lying squirrelly sack of shit." The man said before slapping Frank.

Debbie screamed again and the man's friend came and pulled the man back. "Jesus Rob."

"You're alive. I know it. Come on." 'Rob' yelled.

"What's the matter with you? Look at him. He's dead." Rob's friend said.

Debbie started closing the casket lid with the help of Steve. Ian pulled Carl back while Lip pulled me away from the men.

"Sorry he's been under a lot of stress guys." The friend apologized.

"Gonna check with the boss. Nobody move." Rob ordered while his friend reached into his pocket.

His friend walked away while on the phone and Carl, with the signal of Fiona nodding, snuck out the back door.

"Yeah there's nothing here worth taking. Unless you want the little girl. She's eleven, twelve." The man said.

I looked at the Gallagher's who had the same look on their face. Lip's arm around my waist tightened slightly and I looked up at him.

"No. She's cute but not really a looker. How about Frank? Any toes, fingers. You know, for proof?" The man asked.

"Okay." The man said and lowered his phone from his ear. "Keeps his extremities."

"And you'll be going?" Lip asked hopeful.

"Soon as he's in the ground." The friend said.

Debbie rushed forward. "What? No why?"

"Boss's orders. Stay with the scumbag till he's buried." The friend said.

The sound of windows breaking outside made the two leave instantly. Lip let go of me and I walked over to Debbie and pulled her into me for comfort.

"They're gonna bury him?" Ian asked.

"If we keep our mouths shut." Lip said.

Debbie moved away from me and joined Steve at the coffin.

"We need something to put in the coffin." Fiona said.

All of us exchanged a look and headed out back. Fiona opened the lid to the trashcan. The meat in it made it stink and I covered my nose.

"We need more time." Fiona said then looked up at Veronica. "Can you stall them?"

Veronica unzipped her jacket and then grabbed my hand.

"What? No." I said as she dragged me after her.

She dragged me through the house with her.

"Want to get Lip?" She asked.

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