Chapter 12:

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I walked with Lip and Debbie as Lip carried Liam.

"Want me to hold Liam for a bit?" I asked Lip. 

He looked at me. "If you want to."

"I wanna be more of a help." I nodded.

He handed Liam to me and we continued to walk. We turned a corner of a slightly busy street.

"Why can't I just take Casey back now?" Debbie asked.

"We can't let anybody see you with Casey leaving our house. Look. Fiona is gonna take Casey to the rendezvous spot. She'll give him back to you and you'll take him back to his house from there. Otherwise the plan won't work.  Fiona is gonna go to Shelia's to make sure she had an alibi." Lip explained the plan to Debbie once more.

"I don't think I can do this." Debbie admitted.

"You're gonna be great Debs. Just don't fuck it up." Lip smiled.

We reached the spot where we were supposed to drop Debbie and Liam off. Lip took Liam from me and once he was inside Lip grabbed my arm and started leading me away. We walked to Sheila's and joined everyone else waiting for Debbie to arrive with Casey. Once Debbie came into view we slowly came out of hiding. I stood with the boys in between cars as Debbie and Fiona were near the crowd. Debbie handed the man the cape and seconds later money started raining down on to the street.

Frank appeared and started cheering about something as he walked towards the money. He got down on the ground to start collecting the money. The brothers walked up to him and put their feet on him, stopping him from getting the money from Debs. Soon they came back over where Steve and I were standing. The crowd dispersed, Tony taking Fiona and Debbie to the station and the rest of us going home.

Later that day Fiona, Ian, Debbie, Carl and I were sitting watching TV. Steve whispering made Fiona walk out of the living room. Ian and I shared a look of confusion and seconds later Fiona Steve came in.

"Hey Debs. Look what Steve bought." Fiona said getting all of our attentions.

Steve was wheeling in a toy stroller and baby. A small smile spread across my face.

"Oh my god. For me?" Debbie asked excitedly while standing up from the couch.

"Absolutely. For doing such a great job today." Steve said.

"Thank you." Debbie was grinning.

She kneeled down and grabbed the baby from the stroller, holding her closely.

"What are you gonna name her?" Fiona asked.

Debbie started laughing while holding the baby. "Gin-Gin. After Aunt Ginger. Let's go up to my room. We can play."

She stood up, baby in hand, and walked towards the stairs.

"Oh Gin-Gin. You're so funny." Debbie laughed while walking upstairs.

Ian and I shared a wide-eyed look along with Fiona and Steve. After a while Fiona dragged me up the stairs.

"What's up?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest.

I shook my head. "What? Nothing."

"Is it Lip?" She started.

"No." I shook my head again.

"Elena." She said in a warning tone.

"Just. Not everything is about him, or me, or us being together. I mean we're not even together so I don't see the big deal." I ranted. 

Once I realized what I said I stopped. My eyes widened and I saw Fiona looking at me surprised.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"I mean, it could happen. You never know." She pointed out.

"Maybe. But not with Lip." I said.

A sad smile appeared on her face and she put a hand on my shoulder.

I followed Fiona down stairs and walked into the kitchen to see everyone gathering the kitchen.

"What the hell? Champagne?" Fiona asked.

I walked over to Ian. "What's going on?"

"I'm getting married." Veronica said excitedly.

My eyes widened and I started cheering with everyone else. Soon music started playing and everyone started dancing. Ian walked up to me after a bit of partying and held a bottle out to me. Us and Lip were standing at the counter.

"Ian." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on." He pushed.

I went to grab the bottle but Lip stopped me. "No."

"Come on Lip. I wanna see what she's like drunk." Ian whined.

"Some other day." He said before quickly leaving.

Ian and I looked at each other.

"Wow. Protective much?" I muttered and watched Lip go.

We quickly went back to dancing. We congratulated Veronica and I saw how happy she was.

"Are you ever going to have that?" I asked Ian as we stepped away from everyone else for a moment.

"I hope." He admitted before looking at me. "Are you?"

"We all hope but I'm not sure." I shrugged.

A sound made us all go outside to come face to face with a truck.

"What is this?" Ian asked.

"It's our new water heater. I got it on sale." Debbie said proudly.

Everyone started cheering and following the man that was going to put in the new heater. I followed behind and stood in between Ian and Lip as the man started installing it.

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