Chapter 29:

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I knocked on the door, it being opened by Lip seconds later.

"Elena?" He asked confused.

I shook my head and he pulled me inside. He dragged me upstairs to his room and pulled me onto Ian's bed.

"Did he hit you?" Lip asked, lifting his hand up to my cheek.

"No." I shook my head and quickly wiped the tears from my cheek.

He looked at me.

"I just need a distraction, please." I begged quietly.

He nodded and seconds later I had a book in my hands. After a few minutes I felt Lip's hand on my leg, only leaving to turn a page in his book. I leaned my head on his shoulder before moving to have my legs across his.

"Lip?" I heard Frank's voice echo.

Lip and I exchanged a look. He grabbed my leg that was over his legs and went back to his book.

"Lip?" Frank yelled again.

Seconds later a rock hit the window. "Lip I'm sorry okay? I'm a shit."

Lip closed his book and climbed off the bed. I followed his actions.

"No I am." Frank said as if someone disagreed with him. "A complete asshole. I know it."

Lip opened the blinds.

"If your grandmother was here she'd say it too." Frank said.

Both Lip and I looked out the window.

"It's totally my fault. We all do things. Well not all. It's like the moon orbiting the Earth. These things show up and you know you shouldn't but then you do and then you don't know what to do. But we can't hold it against her. She's young and carefree. I mean we're both the victims here you and me. The bible says it is beless to forgive son." Frank ranted.

I sat back on Carl's bed and looked at Lip. The streetlamp light outside lit his face up, making a small smile spread across my face.

"And that forgiveness is the first step on the stairway to heaven." Frank finished.

Lip looked at me and I smiled at him.

"We're both fucking victims!" Frank yelled.

"Open the window son." Frank begged.

Lip hesitated a moment before opening it.

"How can I ever really say I'm sorry?" Frank asked.

"Warning." Lip mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

He unzipped his pants and started peeing out the window.

"Shit. What the fuck?" I heard Frank yell.

I started laughing and a small smile spread across Lip's face. After a few minutes Lip zipped his pants back up and closed the window. He closed the blind but continued to look out the window and another smile spread across his face. I leaned against the window beside him which made him look at me.

"What?" He asked.

I shook my head and bit my lip before pushing off the window where I was leaning. Next thing I know I'm being tackled to the bed.

"Lip!" I screamed as I started laughing.

Soon we were laying side by side and looking at each other. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his lips to mine, climbing onto his lap. We sat there kissing for a moment before we both pulled away breathless.

The next morning I woke up. I got out of Lip's grip and snuck out of the Gallagher house. As I neared my house I saw a moving truck and boxes already getting put in the back. My dad stepped out of the house and we both stared at each other. He walked off the porch and to the truck.

"Your boxes are already packed and in the back." He said as he put the box in his hand in the back.

He closed the door and locked it. Without turning to look at me, he started back towards the house.

"You did it?" I asked as I slowly followed him into the house.

"I was worried about you last night. Plus I have to go back to work tomorrow so we have to leave today." He explained. "Did you say goodbye to Lip and Ian?"

The last part came out slightly annoyed. We entered the house and he started to grab our stuff.

"No. I didn't visit them last night." I lied.

"Then where did you go?" He asked confused.

I shrugged. "Just walked around."

He shook his head.

"Let's go." He said walking towards the front door.

"Can I take a few moments?" I asked.

He nodded. I ran up to my room to see it was bare, as if it hadn't had posters or anything in it. My heart dropped. I wandered over to the window and covered my mouth as tears started to flood out of my eyes.

"Bye." I whispered, rushing out of the room.

I hurried downstairs to see my dad holding a pencil and piece of paper out to me.

"What?" I asked.

"I know you went there last night but I also know you didn't tell him." He said holding them out closer to me.

"How..." I started to ask before he cut me off.

"You have that look in your eyes. It's your mother's look when I came home late and she was up waiting for me, she lied to you and Scott about me already being home. Both of you wear your guilt in your eyes." He explained.

"I can't face them." I whispered while shaking my head.

"Leave the note in your room, I'll leave the house unlocked. He'll find it." He said.

I looked up at him before taking the paper and pencil.

"I don't even know what to write." I admitted.

Dad shrugged. "Just apologize or something."

I used the wall and wrote I'm sorry.

"Go quickly put it in your room and let's go." Dad said while taking the pencil from me.

I obeyed and soon was in the passenger side of the moving truck. The truck rolled forward and I looked down to see my bag. Looking inside it, I saw one of my notebooks and my mind flashed back to when Lip wrote in it. I quickly took it out of my bag and opened it to the last page. My heart dropped as I read it.

You're the only one. Give it a chance.

"What?" My dad asked.

I looked up to see him glancing at me before quickly looking back at the road.

"Nothing." I said shaking my head and putting the the notebook away.

I looked up, trying to hold back my tears.

I love him

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