Chapter 20:

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"First pub crawl I did was when I was sixteen. Hit twenty two pubs before I hurled. Got right back on the horse, hit ten more, hurled again. That's how I got the nickname Boot and Rally." Frank said as he made pancakes for Debbie and Carl.

"Cool." Carl exclaimed as he walked over to the table.

"Has anyone seen the laptop?" Fiona asked.

She walked into the kitchen and stopped when she saw everything. "What's going on here?"

"Daddy made us some Mickey Mouse pancakes." Debbie said.

"Are you serious?" Fiona asked.

"What did I tell you? Still not drinking till he gets his money." Lip said walking down the stairs.

"If I ever drink again." Frank said.

"Right." Lip muttered.

"Java's my vice now." Frank said holding up a coffee cup.

"Drunk or sober you're still an asshole." Lip said.

"Lip." Debbie said.

"It's okay Deb. Everyone's got a right to his opinion. That's what makes this country of ours so great." Frank said before walking over to the table. "Want orange juice?"

"Yeah." Debbie said.

"Where'd you get all this stuff to make breakfast?" Fiona asked.

"Traded some old Hustler magazines with Rusty the drunk. He's working as a dishwasher at the Denny's over on West 95th Street." Frank explained. "You want some OJ?"

"No." Fiona said.

I looked up to see Lip looking at me.

"Found it! I'm taking this to the job center for a few hours." Fiona said with the laptop in her hands.

"Come on Debs, Carl. Grab your coats. Told Kev we'd be over there in five minutes. Elena you can come too if you want." Lip said walking to the door.

"Does that weird girl have to come with us?" Debbie asked.

I stood up with Debbie and Carl. Lip handed me my coat and I took it without looking up at him.

"Where are you going?" Frank asked.

"Bowling. Lips knows a kid who can get us in for free. Wanna come?" Debbie asked.

We started walking towards the front door.

"No Debs. I don't think he can." Lip quickly responded.

"Hey I'd love to come. Just let me clean this place up first." Frank said.

"Okay." Debbie said.

"Excuse me." Frank said.

"What?" Debbie asked.

"Clear the table." Frank said gesturing to it.

Debbie and Carl walked back over to the table and started cleaning it up. I resisted the urge to look at Lip even though I knew he was looking at me. Eventually we to the bowling place and walked inside.

"I must warn you I have bowled before." Frank said as we walked towards the desk.

Ethel slowed down, taking in her surroundings.

"It'll be all right." I said stopping and looking at her.

She turned to look at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lip watching me.

"This is all so new." She admitted.

I nodded and gestured with my head. "Come on."

I gave her a moment to look around before we both caught up with the others. We got our lanes and got our orders and started to bowl. Both Frank and Kevin were up now and I sat with Ethel waiting for my turn.

"That's what I'm talking about. Yes!" Frank shouted as he fell to the ground.

He pointed at Debbie and Carl. "For you. I love you."

He went back to bowling and I looked up to see Lip talking to Debbie and Carl.

"You and Lip?" Ethel asked from beside me.

I turned my head to see her looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You seem to like each other." She pointed out.

"Uh no. He already has someone." I shook my head. "How do you like Kev and V so far?"

"Veronica doesn't seem to like me that much." She admitted.

"Give it time." I gave her a soft smile. "It just takes a while to warm up to someone."

She nodded and I noticed Kevin walking over.

"Okay. Come on Ethel I wanna teach you to bowl." Kevin said.

Ethel stood up and I turned in my seat to watch Kevin give her instructions. I saw Carl and Debbie appear in my line of sight and turned my head to see Lip looking at me.

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