Chapter 24:

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"Just thought you'd wanna know Carl's all right. They reset his arm." Fiona said gesturing to Carl's that he was now holding up.

Apparently Frank used Carl for some reason and Carl somehow broke his arm.

"Yeah so please stay on your barstoll and just keep drinking." Lip added.

"Hey let's just do what we came here to do." Fiona said.

"If you came here looking for money I don't have any yet. Your mom still hasn't signed my settlement papers. I don't know where she's been all day." Frank said.

"She's been getting Liam's DNA results." Fiona said.

"Congratulations you're still the father." Lip added.

"Are you serious?" Frank asked. "I thought that was always a rumor about Nana Gallagher having an affair with that sax player."

"Promise you won't sign anything forfeiting parental rights." Fiona said.

"Come on. You know what a bad mother Monica is. I'm just letting her pretend she can have him so I can get my settlement." Frank explained.

"What if she doesn't give up that easy?" Fiona asked.

"No no no. This is a win-win situation. Even if she takes him for just a little while she'll be back crying about sher low self-esteem. Or how boys actually need their fathers. Or penis grief." Frank said. "That's when you wake up in the middle in of the night and look at the person next to you and say "somebody help me. I just fucked a lady."

"I've never asked you for anything. Ever." Fiona said.

"Oh come on. Will you please give me some time with this? I can do this. I just... Don't pressure me." Frank said.

"I've gotta walk away." Lip said.

"What?" Fiona asked turning away.

"If I don't walk away I'm gonna fucking hit him." Lip told her.

He turned but stopped. "What the hell."

Lip stormed back towards Frank and punched him. Frank fell to the ground.

"Fuck!" Lip yelled while grabbing his hand.

He turned and walked out. Frank spat put blood and turned to Debbie.

"Debs?" He asked.

Debbie shook her head. I put my hand on Debbie's shoulder, ready to help.

"You do this and you are on your own and I'm not kidding. I'm done. I'm gone." Fiona said.

She started to the door, Debbie and Carl followed her to the door, me taking up the back.

"Bullshit. You'll never leave those monkeys. You love them too much." Frank called as we walked out.

Later that night all of us were gathered at Steve and Fiona's new place.

"So the lawyer said there is nothing you could do?" Steve asked.

"If we sue it could backfire. Make things worse." Fiona explained.

There was a knock on the door. Lip opened the door and walked in.

"Jesus. This place still smells like old man Harris." Lip said as he closed the door.

"What did Monica want?" Fiona asked.

"She wants us to come over for dinner. Some kind of a family meeting." Lip explained.

"Family?" Fiona laughed. "Fucking load of shit. You told her we know Liam's Frank's?"

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