Chapter 7:

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We took off running towards the officer that stood at the caution tape, Fiona taking lead.

"Do you know who that is?" Fiona asked as we all came to a stop.

"Stay back, okay? Stay back." The officer ordered.

We stood in anticipation, seeing what looked to be Frank's jacket. I looked around the scene and saw a coroner's van and a taped off area. The body was turned over to reveal a man who wasn't Frank. Everyone started cheering.

"See. I told you." Steve said to Fiona.

"Where the hell is he?" Fiona asked.

We all headed back to the Gallaghers and soon Tony was over.

"In Canada?" Fiona asked, getting me from my zoned out state that I was apparently in.

"Wait. How?" Lip asked.

"Embassy says he admitted to drug charges but that's before they accused him so they think he's a juicer." Tony explained.

"They charge him?" Steve asked.

"They just want him off Canadian soil as soon as possible. But the U.S. won't let him back in without his passport." Tony continued.

"Frank doesn't have a passport." Fiona said.

"He'll have to apply for one." Tony said.

Fiona passed the paper she was handed over to Lip.

"How long does that take?" Lip asked.

"Couple months I think." Tony said.

"Months?" Fiona asked.

"He can apply for an emergency one at the embassy in Toronto." Tony added.

"How long does the emergency one take?" Fiona asked.

"I don't know. A week maybe." Tony said.

"Kev has a passport." Veronica said.

"And what good does that do?" Kevin asked.

"You could drive up. Help him at the embassy. Pick up a pile of cheap pharmaceuticals, sell them to the local geezers and the old folks at my nursing home." Veronica said.

Tony shifted around comfortably.

"Could I..." Kev said as he started to lean back.

Tony leaned forward and V leaned back.

"Fuck V... Uh. No offense Tony." Kevin said.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Tony said and plugged his ears.

"Car's not insured. Border Patrol asks for proof of insurance to get back in, I wind up in the loony bin next to Frank." Kevin explained.

They got quiet and sat back up.

"You're good." Kevin said patting Tony on the back.

I turned to see Fiona walk into the kitchen. Steve walked in after her and seconds later I saw Fiona punch him. After a while of all of us just ralkig and figuring out how to get Frank back Steve convinced us all to go outside. We walked outside to see an RV.

"What the hell is that?" Kevin asked.

"Our ride." Steve said as he walked down the rest of the steps.

We followed after.

"There's no way I'm driving all the way to Toronto in this piece of shit." Kevin said walking into the RV.

Steve jumped in. "Take turns driving, watch some movies on the flat screen, make mojitos, sleep. We'll have Frank back by morning."

"How are we supposed to get him across the border without a passport?" Kevin asked.

Kevin, Steve, the man who brought the RV, Veronica, and Fiona all disappeared into the RV. After a while of discussion Steve, the random man, Kevin, and Veronica were off in the RV to get Frank back. When I walked back into the house we just sat around the house.

"Elena." Ian said.

I turned my head to look at him and he gestured for me to follow him. We walked into the kitchen where no one was and he turned to me.

"You're staring at Lip." He started.

"What? No I'm not." I denied.

"You just were. He even glanced at you and you were looking directly at him." Ian whispered.

I froze. "I must have zoned out."

He shook his head and walked out of the kitchen. I followed after him.

"Hey Elena." Debbie said.

"Yeah?" I asked walking over to her.

"Why are there a bunch of cars parked outside your house?" She asked looking at me.

I gave her a questioning look and rushed outside to see that there were cars out front. Everyone rushed outside as well and I pushed past them back inside. Grabbing the killing bat, I rushed outside and towards my house.

"Where are you going with that?" Ian asked grabbing my arm to stop me.

I looked to see everyone was looking at me.

"Scott has his asshole friends over and knowing them they're probably having sex on my bed." I yelled as I ripped myself away from Ian's grip and stormed to my house.

I busted through the door to see a bunch of people dancing to music and drinking.

"Elena?" Scott asked.

"If Matt is in my room having sex I'm going to smash your fucking head in." I screamed as I stormed past him and up the stairs.

"Matt! Get out! Quick!" Scott screamed as he ran after me.

I kicked open my bedroom door to see Matt and some blonde chick on my bed. They were naked.

"Oh you fucking asshole." I shook my head and stormed over to the bed.

I swung the bat and ended up hitting Matt in the back. Just as I brought the bat back to swing again arms wrapped around my waist making me drop the bat. Ian leaned down and grabbed the bat. Lip had a hold on me.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Matt!" I screamed trying to fight Lip's grip on my waist.

I was carried, more like dragged, back downstairs and outside before I was let go. Once I was let go of I went to run back in but Lip grabbed me waist once more to stop me.

"What the hell was that?" Fiona asked as she stormed over with everyone else following her.

"She got a swing on a guy because he was in her bedroom." Ian said.

I turned to run back in but Lip was standing behind me and gave me a warning look. Reluctantly I turned back to the others.

"She did?" Fiona asked.

"Yeah. On the back. He was on the floor screaming." Lip said.

My eyes widened.

"Come on." Fiona sighed and turned back down the sidewalk.

We all turned back to the Gallaghers house and walked inside. After waiting for almost a day I stood on the porch with Fiona, Ian, Debbie, and Carl as the RV pulled up. The crowd in front of the house cheered and waved the Canadian flag. Veronica and Kevin stepped off before Frank did. He walked up the porch steps.

"Welcome home daddy." Debbie said.

Frank looked at her and walked by without word. Debbie followed him in and Ian gestured for me and Carl to follow him and we walked down the porch to join the crowd.

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