Chapter 8:

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Lip was finally helping me study after a few days.

"So this?" I asked pointing to my paper.

"No." Lip said.

He dropped what he was working on and grabbed my notebook from me. After writing on the paper he handed my notebook back to me and I looked at it.

"This makes no sense." I groaned letting my head fall back.

A silence fell over us and I lifted my head to see Lip biting his lip while looking at me. I raised and eyebrow and our eyes locked.

"You good there?" I asked laughing.

"Food break?" Lip asked scrambling to his feet.

I shrugged and stood up. We reached the bedroom door and Lip turned to me which made us come face to face.

"Yes?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

He shook his head and continued walking. We got downstairs in the kitchen and I sat down at the counter while Lip started making his food.

"Did you really bring your notebook?" Lip asked.

I looked down and realized I did.

"Didn't realize it." I shrugged and looked back up at him.

"Can I see your pencil and a piece of paper?" Lip asked.

I nodded and handed him the pencil.

"Do you want it with the notebook or without?" I asked.

"With. Back paper." He requested. 

I nodded and flipped the the last page before handing the notebook to him. He held the notebook away from my view and started writing something down. A knock on the door made Lip close the notebook leave the kitchen. I watched curiously, forgetting about what Lip was just writing.

"Fiona?" I heard Steve ask faintly.

"No." Lip said.

Lip started walking back to the kitchen and the front door closed.

"No she's not here or no she doesn't wanna see me?" Steve asked as he walked towards us.

"Both." Lip said.

I grabbed my notebook and pencil and set it back down in front and of me.

"She coming back?" Steve asked.

"No. Work. Won't be home for hours." Lip informed him.

"So it's just you two?" Steve asked looking between the two of us.

"Not like we're doing anything life changing like making babies or getting married." I looked up at him and smiled.

Lip got the thing from the microwave he was making while laughing at my comment.

"Looks good." Steve said changing the subject.

"It is." Lip slightly nodded.

I opened my notebook and looked at my notes before starting to write down stuff. Lip opened the fridge.

"Did she say anything?" Steve asked.

"About you?" Lip asked. "No. No not a word."

"So you're saying?" Steve asked.

"You fucked up beyond the capacity of the human mind to process?" Lip asked as he opened a beer.

"Yeah." Steve nodded.

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