Chapter 21:

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Later that night a loud thud made me sit up off the floor. Another thud shook the house and I scrambled to my feet as Lip jumped down from his bed.

"What the hell is that?" Fiona asked

Lip and I ran into the hall and Lip took off down the stairs in front of me while Fiona went down the other stairs. We got downstairs to see holes in the wall. Debbie, Frank, and Carl were standing on opposites side of the wall with hammers.

"Dad what the hell are you doing?" Fiona asked rushing over.

"You fucking kidding me?" Lip asked.

"Remodeling. Son grab that copper wire. It's worth a lot of money these days." Frank said as he and Carl reached into the wall.

"No. Dad stop!" Fiona yelled.

"Why the fuck is our couch on the wall?" Lip asked.

"We need a fresh start." Frank said.

"There's a gas line right there" Fiona said.

"Oh. All right. Fine. We'll start the demolition in the bathroom kids." Frank said.

Carl cheered. I looked at Lip who had his hands on his head out of frustration. Fiona wore an unreadable look. As the three of them hurried upstairs Lip and Fiona looked at the wall.

"Last time he ripped up the floor boards. Remember?" Lip asked.

"Shit." Fiona said.

Lip walked into the kitchen and I walked over to the counter and leaned against it.

"Said he was gonna put in Saltillo tiles. Of course never did." Lip recounted.

"Yeah and I had to date that flooring guy for a month to get him to finish the work." Fiona added.

"What are we gonna do?" Lip asked looking at Fiona.

"We have to kill the turtle." Debbie said.

We all turned around to see her standing on the stairs.

"Daddy and Carl are up in the attic getting ready to cut a hole in the roof for a skylight. It's time to kill the turtle." Debbie said, now standing near us.

"Uh. Debs you know that you guys are the turtle in my story right?" Lip asked.

A look of confusion washed over Debbie. "Oh. Right."

"That's okay. I get what you're saying though." Lip said smiling.

"Thanks." Debbie said.

Lip bent down and looked at Debbie more clearly. "You sure about this?"

"It'll hurt less now than if we wait two more weeks." Debbie said.

"Okay." Lip nodded.

"What's up with the turtle." Fiona asked looking between Debbie and Lip.

"You wouldn't understand." Debbie said.

Fiona looked at her.

"It's all right Fiona. I don't understand either." I said getting her attention.

Lip and Debbie started walking away and I shared a look with her. She sighed and dropped her stuff and we followed after them. After a plan was made we got ready to put it into action. Debbie and Lip quietly walked towards the ladder that Frank was using to get into the attic with. I stood back while Fiona hid in her room.

"Daddy. Help. I think I see a mouse." Debbie yelled.

The saw stopped. "A mouse? Hold on. I'll be right down."

Frank climbed down the ladder and Lip was behind him with the taser. Once Frank was standing on the ground Lip tased him, making him fall to the ground. I jumped back and looked at Frank who was frozen on the ground.

"I thought the taser didn't work." Fiona said.

"Yeah. I just told Carl that. I took the batteries out." Lip said.

Fiona handed Lip the bottle she had.

"All right open his mouth." Lip ordered.

Fiona and Lip got down beside Frank. Fiona opened his mouth and Lip opened the bottle lid.

"No. No." Frank begged through his paralyzed state.

Lip poured the alcohol into Frank's mouth for a few seconds before pulling the bottle back and letting go of Frank. Frank's head rolled to the side and he made an inaudible noise. We stayed there surrounding a still paralyzed Frank.

"What happened?" Carl asked.

I turned my head to see Carl poking his out from the attic.

"It's better this way Carl." Debbie said.

Carl disappeared back into the attic. Lip closed the bottle and Fiona looked at him. I sat down on the ground fully and looked at Frank who was still laying on the ground.

Frank was back to normal and a little while later he was sitting in the corner smoking and drinking while Carl tried to saw off the ankle bracelet Frank had on his ankle. I zoned out what the man on the TV was saying but watched the screen change. There was a knock on the door that brought me back to reality.

"Just bracelet. No bone." Fiona told Carl as she stood up.

Fiona opened the door and I heard Steve. I zoned out of their conversation and put my focus back on the TV. Lip walked in front of the TV and I turned my head to see him give Carl a small tank with two turtles in it. When Lip came to sit down I moved to sit close to Fiona so Lip would have room. He sat down beside me and pulled me closer.

When I opened my mouth to speak he looked at me and put his finger on his lips. I took advantage of this time and moved so my legs were over his lap and I wasn't laying on Fiona. Lip's arms fell onto my leg and he started to absentmindedly trace shapes onto it while his focus was still on the TV. I hesitantly laid my head on his shoulder and turned my attention back to what was happening on the TV.

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