The Blue Spirt

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This is a short chapter it is going to take me some time for the next chapters so please stay with me there will be more about Clover.  She is one of my favorite OC I have :D


 After a day of flying Sokka started to feel ill they rested in an old abandoned structure built in a wall of a mountain.

"We have to find help," Katara said then sneezed.

"Oh no not you too?" Aang pouted.

"I'm fine," Katara said.

"That is how Sokka started," Clover said.

"Yeah by tomorrow you might think you're an earth bender too," Aang said.

"Take that you rock," Sokka said then sneezed.

"I'm going to get medicine, Clover can you keep an eye on them?"

"Of course," Clover nodded then took the wet cloth from Katara's hand, "You should lay down."

"Maybe you are right," Katara said grabbing her sleeping bag and climbed in.

Aang ran off and Clover placed the cold rag on Sokka's head then grabbed another and wet it to place on Katara's head, "Aang should be back soon."

"I know," Katara said then started to cough.

"How is he just a kid?" Clover asked, "He disappeared a hundred years ago?"

"He was frozen in an iceberg remember," Katara said then coughed.

"Wow," she looked out the entrance, "How did he get out?"

"We got him out not knowing he was the Avatar yet," Katara smiled.

"That is why you two are traveling with him," Clover nodded.

Katara started to cough continuously, "Water."

Clover air bended herself to her feet and grabbed the water cantina to find it empty, "I'm going to get some water you two stay here."

"Planning on it," Katara said.

"Bye-bye," Sokka waved.

Clover jumped off the cliff and started to fly. Trying to find water, however, all she saw was trees. She flew down to the ground when She walked away when a platypus bear run towards her growling, 'Stay way this is my home!'

'I mean you no harm,' Clover knelt on one knee and bowed her head, 'I just need water for my sick friends.'

The platypus bear circled her and sniffed, 'How can you speak nature? No human has ever been able to perform such task?'

'I do not know sir,' Clover kept her head down.

'You are just looking for water?'

'Yes,' Clover nodded keeping her face down.

'You may stand human,' Clover stood up and smiled, 'I know where water is, follow.'

'Thank you,' Clover followed the platypus bear.

'Just get the water and out of my home,' he stopped by a small stream.

Clover bended air around the water and opened the cantina putting the water into it then shutting it, 'Thank you again, sir,' she smiled and took off to the sky and back to their hideout.

When she got there Aang still was not back. She put water into cups and gave it to both Katara and Sokka.

"Thank you," Katara said as she drank.

"Your welcome," Clover looked out to the mountains, "Aang should be back by now, shouldn't he?"

"It's Aang he will come back don't worry," Katara coughed.

Clover walked over to Appa and jumped onto his back, "I'm going to rest for a minute. Will you two be okay for a minute?"

"Go ahead and rest we will too," Katara said.

Clover closed her eyes to sleep.

She was running on a beach laughing. When she came across a little girl building a sand castle, "Hey little one," she said kneeling to talk to her.

"Shh my parents are sleeping," she said not looking at her.

"Where are your parents?" Clover asked looking around only seeing the beach.

"In their room," the little girl smiled as she played with the sand.

"Who is watching you?"

"No one anymore," she looked up to Clover as the sand turned into dust and the ocean turned into blood, "You want to sleep too."

"No, No how could you do this to your own parents?"

"Because you could," the child stood up and changed and Clover was looking at herself.

"No," Clover backed up, "I didn't, I wouldn't."

"But you could remember, you did," the other her smiled as she lifted hand with a still-beating heart dripping blood onto both of their feet.

"NO!" she shouted out as she jumped up onto her feet. Then looked around Aang was asleep on Appa's tail, Sokka and Katara were sleeping in their sleeping bags. Clover rubbed her forehead, "Just breath you are fine," she walked to the entrance of their resting place.

She looked out at the stars, "I didn't do it," she hugged herself. This was not the first time she has this dream. She looked behind at the others then looked out at the sky. She needs to stay with them but she hasn't been around people since her family. She never even spoke to the people in the village by the air temple.

She walked up and placed a hand on Appa's horn. Then sat on the ground next to him leaning against the wall and fell asleep again.

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