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It felt like we've been running for hours but it was only for fifteen minutes. Jahseh began slowing down, my legs felt like jelly by the time we came to complete stop.

As soon as we did, I wobbled and almost fell to the ground. Jahseh caught me before my body would hit the ground.

We stared at one another for a few minutes before breaking contact. He helped me back up to stand on my own. I looked around and the place he took me was familiar.

The grassy scenery and the far away view of the fence where the No Trespassing sign hung sideways was in view. We were in my neighborhood. We were in the place where I first discovered him.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked him.

Once again, he was silent. I guess he likes making me anticipate for what his answers will be.

"I don't know." He looked over at me. His eyes were still distant and filled with worry.

I walked towards him but he stepped back.

"Are you afraid of something?" I sighed.

Jahseh began to walk around, leaving me to stand there without an answer. I just followed him.

I didn't realize how big this area was, it seemed like it stretched for miles. I could barely keep up with the pace he was going, so I decided to stop.

Something shiny caught my attention

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Something shiny caught my attention. I picked it up and held it up against the now full moon that was shining in the night sky.

Light from the moon refracted off of the object. It created speckles of reflection on my face. It was so pretty but no ordinary object.

I quickly stuffed it into my pocket before Jahseh could see it. About an hour and a half passed, I haven't seen Jah since I stopped following him.

"Thanks for leaving me...." I mumbled to myself. Since it was getting late, I walked back to my house.


10:30 p.m.

I laid in my bed, examining the fragment that I found. It displayed itself as a crystal of some sort.

"Venus!" I heard Lynette yell from downstairs.

"What!" I shouted back down to her. She needs to stop being lazy and come upstairs if she had something to tell me.

Lynette soon ran upstairs and swung my door open.

"Guess you're an orphan forever."

"What do you mean?" I slid the crystal fragment underneath my pillow.

She gestured for me to go downstairs. I threw the covers off of me and slid my slippers on.

The t.v was on channel 49 KWV news. Lynette had turned the volume up when the news anchor appeared on the t.v and the words Breaking News!  appeared in a box next to her head.

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