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I ran as fast I could and didn't stop until I found somewhere to hide. I had to catch my breath. My heart was racing faster than a nascar. It almost felt like it was about to explode. I've developed so much adrenalin rush from the time Jah shot at me, up until I ran for what it felt like was my life.

I ended up in a library. This used to be my favorite place, my sanctuary. The books were damaged to the point where it was unclear to read the title and who the author was. I hid behind a fallen bookcase. The brick wall was keeping it from toppling all the way down.

My throat became dry from all that running. I coughed a little bit because the air wasn't breathable enough.Carbon dioxide filled the environment instead. There was small vent on the ground. I crawled over to it. Some cool clean air was seeping through it. I put my face over the vent and breathed in as much clean air as I could.

"I hope I can camp out here until nightfall." I didn't want to walk around out in the open where I could be spotted again. I was lucky that this time it was Jahseh. Thinking about him made me break instantly. He doesn't remember me. To hear him say that it was disgusting to be involved with a human hurt me too but not as much as him saying he loved Xena.

She must've did something to him when I left their planet. I took a deep breath, inhaling some more fresh air from the vent. CRASH! Shards of glass flew into the building. Someone threw something inside of here. I quickly concealed myself behind the bookcase and peaked to see who it was.

It was some survivors I'm guessing. They looked out of it. It was two guys and woman. I wasn't sure what their intentions were so I stayed hidden.

"Why are we in a library Derek?" The woman scowled at him.

"We need to use some paper to make a fire. You want to eat don't you?" Derek replied back.

"Whatever. Just hurry up. Those alien hunters were on tails back there."

"They can't keep hunting us if there are no more people left. This world has gone mad. There's a mass population massacre going on and it ain't the aliens fault."

"I know. I hate to kill people but if it decreases their food supply, they may leave sooner than later." The woman added.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Humans killing one another out of panic.

"We don't have enough time. Let's get some books and get the hell out here." Derek indicated. He signaled for the other guy to look around. He was coming my way. I didn't know what to do.

I tried my best to conceal my presence behind the shadows of the book case. I was doing good until a cough came out. I covered my mouth but it was to late. The other man found me.

"Yo Derek and Alison. I think we have a visitor." He pulled the bookcase up and moved it to the side.

"Well hello love." Derek said with a grin.

"Should we kill her?" Alison suggested, reaching for her gun holster.

"No. I want her." Derek said, holding his hand up to cease Alison from pulling out her gun.

She rolled her eyes and spat at my shoes. "What you need her scrawny ass for?"

"She's to pretty to get rid of. She could be a valuable asset to out survivors lament camp."

"I don't want to be apart of any camp. I'm alone for a reason." I finally spoke.

"You have no choice. Either join or I'll toss you outside. There's alien hunters still searching for food to harvest." The guy who found me said.

"I'm not joining."

"Give her to them. She's worth more to them than us." Alison walked away.

"You don't trust us love?" Derek asked.

"No I do not." The main doors flew open. All three of them turned their attention to the commotion. I quickly hid behind another bookcase. Jahseh came walking through inside. Alison was about to pull her gun out but he kicked her across the room. She flew into the wall. I could hear her bones cracking.

"Surrender now or end up like her." Jah said in a stern tone. Derek and the other guy put their hands up. I could hear both of them curse under their breath. Jahseh waved his hand and two alien soldiers stormed through, detaining both of the guys. They then picked them up and took them away.

Jah pointed his gun towards Alison who was still alive but couldn't move. "You are no longer needed." He said as he aimed it towards her head. One shot and her head blew up. Blood and Brains spattered against the wall. My gag reflexes were kicking in. I tried to keep it down but couldn't.

I ended up throwing up on the floor. Jahseh's attention immediately looked my way. He was about to walk over to where I was hiding but one of his soldiers told him to leave. He nodded and looked back once before exiting the building. I sighed in relief. He already said he wasn't going to be nice a second time if he caught me.

The Jahseh I knew was no longer there. Xena turned him into a monster. He's aggressive and gives zero fucks about anything but himself. I dug my nails into the carpet, scratching at it. This whole situation was giving me aniexty.

He's become a killing machine. I wonder how he snapped out of it before?

I got up and wiped the dirty window off. I could see Jahseh and his soldiers walking off with Derek and the other guy. I waited until they were further away to make my move and run.


I ended up in a neighborhood a couple of miles away from the inner city. The houses were still standing but destroyed. They either had holes in the walls or roofs the size of a boulder. Floors collapsed and some houses has furniture spilling out of it.

"Venus?" I heard someone say in the distance. When I turned around, it was Damarcus. He came running towards me. "I've been searching for you!" He picked me up and spun me around.

"Put me down!" I yelled at him and did.

"What is wrong with you? First you get mad about the crystal, next you storm off and now you are being a little brat."

"I didn't ask for you to help me."

"I wasn't going to leave you alone to die."

"Maybe you should've !" My lips began to quiver. I couldn't take any of this anymore. The love of my life has turned against me. He's left me here to suffer.

"I couldn't."  He walked towards me but I backed away.

"Stop trying to save me or something. It's not working. "

Damarcus took my hand and pulled me in behind him. Before I could say anything, he shot at some alien hunters who were coming our way. Their whole bodies began to glow and when the light went out, their bodies dropped.

"We can't be out here like this. Let's go back to the bunker."

"Fine...Don't touch me again. You better explain to me what just happened too." Damarcus nodded and led the way.

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