Chapter two

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Here's chapter two, sorry if this chapter makes anyone cry. :( 

chapter two-

I woke up the next morning realizing how horrible I looked, my wild orange hair was a complete mess, I'm so happy it was the holidays and that I don't go out much unless i'm forced to. I tried brushing my brush through my knotty hair but it was no use it was never going to be tamed, it was like a wild animal. I quickly ran downstairs in my Minnie mouse onesie. The house was so quiet, mum was sat still as a statue in the kitchen with a hot cup of strong coffee. She looked exhausted, even the black shadows underneath her eyes proved it.


"Ellia, I didn't hear you come downstairs. Everything alright"

"Yeah, apart from this hair"

I pointed directly at my hair while she stared at her coffee. I moved to sit down next to her and put my hand on her hand, it wasn't until now I looked how old she was, it was like wrinkles had appeared over night.

"Ellia, you're a beautiful girl you know that, I just wish someone in that school of yours would notice that"

I heard a van pulling in next door, which was quite odd as there was nobody living next door. I looked up in surprise, was someone moving in? I ran to the window and gazed about. That's when I first seen them, a young girl my age with bright purple hair looked towards the window as if she noticed me and in fact she did, she smiled at me warmly and I politely smiled back. I walked away quickly so they didn't think that I was a nosy neighbour. I turned around and my mum was in front of me. She smiled softly.  

"I forgot to mention there was new neighbours, want to invite them for tea, we could cook for them?"

"You mean go out while I look like this? Seriously mum I look stupid"

"There just neighbours, go on"

I ran to the door buzzing with excitement. What would they be like? Who are they? Would that young girl like me or would she turn out like the rest of the girls in form? Hundreds of questions were whizzing in my head that when I was outside I froze. The girl I saw with purple hair looked up with me still smiling. I walked over to her unsure exactly what to say but I thought I'd play it cool by introducing myself. If this was happening last year, I would never of being shy, I would've been talking fast.

"Hello, I'm Ellia, your new neighbour"

"Oh Ellia, its nice to meet you, I'm Caitlin"

I liked her already, she seemed a genuine person, the thing was would we ever be friends? She told me that she was from the U.K, that she was nervous about school but was relieved when she heard we would be at the same school and the same year. I offered her and her family over for tea which she and her mum agreed to.  I helped for awhile with, putting the boxes in the house. I had almost forgot I was still in my pyjamas. I excused myself so I could go wash my hair and help my mum out with Amelia. What I was to stupid to notice that my dad was gone. It was a Saturday, he was off work. I hope he hadn't went to the pub, it would be embarrassing for us to welcome a new family into our house while my mum and dad were arguing. Luckily enough when I got out the shower and ran downstairs in my towel, dad was sat on the sofa watching a game of football.

"Stephen, we're having our new neighbours over for tea, that okay?" mum asked warily.

"Sure, that's fine I suppose as long as I can go out with my boys afterwards?"

I shook my head at my mum but she ignored me and gave me a shock when she said I suppose so. I was dreading after when the new family was gone, would tonight be the same as two nights ago? I certainly hope not. I went back upstairs and threw on a pair of black jeans and a red vest top. I tied my long hair up in a messy ponytail and ran back downstairs. It was only 4pm and I was nervous. We told the family to be here for 6pm. Mum decided now was the time to start cooking after all she wanted to make a fine impression. She decided to make shepherds pie, and I wanted to help. I didn't feel comfortable at this time being in the same room as dad by myself. Not that he would hit me but he was too busy playing dollies with Amelia. Cooking helped keep my mind off things, such as Liam, the bitchiness off my friends at school. Time whizzed by and suddenly it was 6pm and a low knock on the door sent butterflies in my stomach. I answered the door and invited them in while mum served out tea. Caitlin sat beside me and we were talking. She told me about what her old school was like. I asked her about what type of music she liked and I was happy she liked similar music to me like Blink 182 and Bowling for soup, I was glad we had something in common. After tea, I showed Caitlin my room, she picked up The Hunger Games book that lied beside my bed. I had totally forgot the picture of me and Liam was in it and she pulled it out and look at the picture smiling.

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