Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I stared at her, what had I done now? I was ruining everything? I was turning into a monster. Caitlin tried to pull me away but I couldn't move. I was glued to the floor. I was becoming a monster like Dan. I needed to be punished for this. I let my anger take over me but that doesn't mean it wasn't right to do it. Just because she bullied me doesn't mean I should take my anger out on her. She was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Half me argued with myself saying it was the right thing to do, she deserved. She tortured me to the point where I feel like I'm not worth it. The teacher was shouting at me and I didn't even have the effort to argue back with her. It seems like I was being sent to the headteacher again. Looks like I had blown my last warning. I didn't even care, now that I thought about it I felt abit more relieved. I wouldn't have to walk down these corridors feeling anxious all the time. Maybe this would be the last time I would have to walk down these corridors. Caitlin walked me to the headteachers office, gave me a nervous smile and walked to first lesson. I knocked on the door that said Mrs Joanne Seth. A grumpy voice shouted for me to come in. I've been in her office a few and each time it was never for anything good. I slowly walked to her desk and sat down.

"Back to where we were last week again Ellia"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're being attention seeking, you're nothing special just because the girls got into abit of an argument doesn't mean you're perfect"

"Don't you think I know that, you's all tell me that every stupid day, so go ahead and kick me out, I actually don't care no more"

"So you'd ruin your life?"

"It's already being ruined, are we done?"

"No Ellia, we aren't done, I want an explanation on why you hit one of my students"

"I've coped so well, you can only push someone so far until they finally snapped"

"So you've been getting bullied? I should've noticed sooner listen I'm sorry Ellia"

"I don't want your sympathy, just kick me out, I deserve it I don't want to be here anyways"

"Well I'm going to have to kick you out anyways, I am sorry Ellia, I'll phone your mum to come collect you. Good luck"

I swung my bag over my shoulders. I felt really happy. I was free from these horrible people. I don't know what I was going to do about school but I suppose I should feel bad for my mum but I don't. When my mum met me at the school gates she put her arms round me and we laughed it off on the way home.

When I heard a knock on the door I knew who it was before I saw her. She stood there with a sheepish grin on her face.

"You're the whole gossip at the moment they can't believe YOU got kicked out"

"Yeah well, I couldn't care less, you need a hand packing some more things"


We spend some time packing things that she wouldn't need and left the things for the next few days to entertain herself. She was making a scrap book full of us. I really was going to miss her. Just a few more days and I would be saying goodbye to my best friend. At least I would have Aidan but that's not the same, he's boy. I sat and helped her with the scrap book, both of us were quiet. Normally we would both be laughing but things were different since she told me she was leaving. We were almost distancing our selves ready for the real separate time. Time was going unbelievably quick now since she told me she was going back to the UK. When I left her house at the usual time of half 9 mum was looking excited. 

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