Chapter Three

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This Chapters not going to be emotional, just thought it would be quiet important to include this.

Chapter three-

It had being a week since we heard about Amelia. Everything was a blur, I couldn't remember what I've done. It was as if time had slowed. A piece of my life was missing and nothing could replace it, not even mums new baby. Mum had started smoking even though she shouldn't for her baby's health but she didn't listen. She was stressed in case dad came back and harmed both of us. I stopped eating, but nobody noticed. I wanted to be skinny not this fat piece of lump that I see in the mirror. I was afraid to look in the mirror and see my self in it. I hated myself. I was glad it was the summer holidays because there would be no way I could face the school at this time, even in September I doubt I could. I can't face the stares from everyone even with Caitlin by my side. I wasn't clever, I wasn't pretty. I was fat and an easy target for being bullied.

Today was Amelia's funeral, it was a small thing, just me, mum, granddad Joe, Caitlin and her family. She looked so soft and peaceful, easily breakable. Amelia was placed in a snow white dress. Her tiny eyes were shut, it looked as if she was asleep. At least now nobody can hurt her. But this was all my fault, I could've done something to prevent this from happening like take her for a walk. But this could've been mum in her place instead. The funeral ceremony was short and eerily quiet. Half way the through the funeral we were interrupted by the police. They were called out for protection. it seemed like my dad was spotted close to here. Would he really risk coming here? I didn't want to protect him but I didn't want him anywhere near my family. Mum in her right black dress stumbled forward to say some last words.

"Amelia, my baby girl, so young, she didn't deserve the life she got, I was a rubbish mother, I should've protected her, but there won't be a day where I won't think about her, she touched my heart, a little baby was so precious to me and my family. I will miss her for as long as I live and even longer than that"

Throughout her speech I felt nervous as if someone was watching me. Caitlin could see how uncomfortable I was being and rested her hand upon mine and smiled at me. Although I felt a bit safer with the police here it just reminded me about how unsafe me and my mum are. I was right to feel weary because the hall doors burst open and there stood my dad with his tight white top covered in sweat and dirt looking angry like he always did when he was drunk. 

"Amelia, Where is my little girl" He shouted.

Before anyone reacted he ran straight towards Amelia's coffin but before he could harm anyone the police grabbed hold of him with a firm grip on his tense muscles. Throughout all this mess all that could be heard was my dad shouting my name. A cold shiver ran down my back. He wasn't the same man who he used to be, the person who used to give me piggy backs on the way to school. Everything seems different now to what it used to be, everything's changed since Liam got bullied. The police said the words you have the right to remain silent, but he was struggling against them to be free. However the police were stronger and managed to keep him in control as if he was a naughty school kid. After all the commotion and my dad was dragged away screaming the church was silent. I stood up to go to my mum and gave her a strong hug and then a few men came to carry Amelia's coffin into the funeral car.

We drove to the grave yard where they buried Amelia. Her coffin was so small. This wasn't fair. It was like my family was being punished for nothing at all. We had put money together mum and granddad Joe towards getting Amelia a tombstone so that read. Forever in our hearts. Everyone said there last words to show respect. I placed some roses on her tomb stone and let a few tears escape onto it and then we were gone, driving back home. 

When we got home I invited Caitlin home, there was an awkward silence but everyone seemed more relaxed. I offered Caitlin some Nutella sandwiches which she kindly refused. But I made her some anyways as I looked at her I noticed the bags under her eyes. Why wasn't she sleeping? We went upstairs to my room and she noticed my Avril Lavigne drawing . She gazed at it open mouthed. We had a small talk but eventually I started talking more. It turns out she was already half way through The Hunger Games and was staying up most the night reading it. That was why she had bags under her eyes. I told her about some of the books I liked, such as Harry Potter which she loved the films to so we planned a day where we would both sit in my house and watch them all after each other. I just wanted to keep talking to keep my mind of Amelia and it worked for abit.  We talked more about my school and I didn't lie. I told her about what happened with Liam. I've never really told anyone this before. I even told her about me getting bullied by my friends as I sat and told her all she was silent just listening I told her exactly what happened with Liam, about how I feel like it's all my fault.. After I finished she smiled at me.

" Ellia, your a wonderful girl, it's horrible what they're doing, they're rubbish friends but ill always be there for you no matter what".

I didn't realize that she was crying too. The rest of the time we talked about what we wanted to be when we are older. It turns out she wanted to work in a rehabilitation centre. I knew I wanted to do something with art, but I was unsure what.

The week passed in a blur, I spent so much time with Caitlin. We went to town to go see a film in the cinemas that I wasn't interested in but when we watched it. It was amazing who knows I would enjoy a superhero film. She slept at my house a few times and we ate Ben and Jerry's ice cream. The nicest ice cream you could possibly eat for when you're depressed. For eating so much I decided I needed to go to the gym. I still wasn't eating properly. So I went to the gym and Caitlin went with me, nobody I knew was at the gym and it was pretty much empty. We spent most of the time on the bikes laughing while we're on it.  We also when on the treadmills to which we both nearly fell off. I was enjoying myself.

The main thing was my mum had stopped smoking now that she wasn't stressed in case dad found us but there was no chance he could since he was in prison, where he belongs. In two weeks time me and my mum have to go to court for a case against my dad. I was nervous again that I had to be in the same room as my dad again but I knew he couldn't hurt me. But no one was safe, he harmed a baby. What kind of sick monster is he? It seems horrible but I wish he gets hurt in prison so he actually learns a lesson.

Finally it was Friday night and I said a quick goodbye to Caitlin, I wouldn't see her now till Monday. I was going to miss her even though I wanted to get out of here for a few days, just to relax and forget things. I was glad I was going to the caravan now. There was so much to do, adventurous parks and art activities. This place was designed for children, I don't understand why my granddad enjoyed the place but I suppose it reminded him of his childhood. Instead of packing my usual wears of jeans I packed black shorts and vest tops.I packed my new book Divergent too in my backpack and obviously my iPod along with paper and pens and I was ready. Grand dad Joe was making sure my mum was going to be alright and it seemed like she was. This was going to be first time she was going to be left in the house by herself and we were all worried but it seemed Caitlin's mum had invited her out to places. I threw my backpack into the back of my granddads car and wrapped my arms round my mum and hugged her tightly. Moments later I was driving out the street towards my peaceful place.

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