Chapter Five

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Might be a short chapter very sorry!

Chapter Five-

The days passed quickly at school now that I had Caitlin by my side. She helped me to try to overcome my anorexia and bulimic but as more time passed I started to loose the weight. I became obsessed with doing P.E, especially joining some groups after school. I mainly enjoyed football and rounders, Caitlin joined in with rounders but she refused to do football. So while I stayed behind for football she done an art class to catch up on the project she hadn't done. Instead of me gaining weight I was losing it instead. I was happy that my ribs were showing. It proved that all my hard work was paying off but I still felt disgustingly fat. I could be pretty if I tried but every time I looked in the mirror I got a twinge of pain. I looked like my dad and that brought back so many memories. So one night after school I decided I would ask mum if I could dye my hair a caramel brown. Which reluctantly she agreed to. That night me and Caitlin wet to a shop, Super-drug to be precise to get my hair dye. We found a close enough shade to caramel brown and Caitlin bought her bright purple hair. I wasn't sure if you were allowed to have bright coloured hair but as if that would stop Caitlin. We the decided to go look around Claire's for some more jewelry but we didn't have much look. In Primark we bought matching Pajamas, they were so cute. It said I whaley love you on them.

Every two weeks I have to go to the doctors to be weighed to see if I was making any progress so hours before hand I would drink loads of water to bloat up. The doctor was happy with my results he thought I was getting better, even mum didn't me notice me being sick but she was too busy trying to have a healthy pregnancy. The only person who knew I wasn't doing okay was Caitlin. She constantly reminded me of how ill I could be, but this was something I felt I didn't have control over, the truth was I was losing control and it scared her. I started to wear baggy jumpers and tops to hide how skinny I was becoming but there was nothing I could do when I had to get changed in P.E. They all pointed at my stomach making sick noises.

"Ugh how can she be so skinny, her ribs are sticking out" They all shouted at me until I ran out of the changing rooms crying so much. Caitlin followed me out and sat with me on the floor. 10 minutes had passed and the teacher came out the changing rooms looking angry.

"Ellia, we need you, oh Ellia are you alright?"

"Sorry miss, I don't feel like doing P.E today"

"I know a bulling situation when I see one. What have the girls said."

I shook my head and walked away from the teacher ignoring both Caitlin and the teacher when they called out my name. Instead I skived P.E and sat outside on the climbing frame. The fresh air felt good and it helped clear my mind. I t was't until she sat down beside me that I realized I wasn't alone. It was the P.E teacher who I always thought I was bitch but ow this year she was my head of year.

"Ellia, you can't go storming off from a teacher"

"Storming off you say? hm well if that's what the teacher said go ahead and punish me it won't make a difference I get punished every day."

"You've been crying, I can tell, Ellia, don't bottle things up like your Liam did, its tough I know but keep smiling and don't walk away from your lessons otherwise it'll be you who gets into serious trouble.

She walked me to her office which I stayed there until the bell rang for home time. Me and Caitlin walked home quietly. Have I annoyed her. But whe I looked at her she was smiling at me.

"Caitlin I'm sorry"

"You've got nothing to be sorry for, I should've been the one who ran after you not a teacher who you don't like"

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