Chapter Seven

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Ok, this chapter might be the longest and possibly the horriblist thing to write about so yet again sorry.

Chapter Seven-

I had to share a room with Dan and Declan since there was no room otherwise. They shared the bottom bunk and I had the top since it was'r right a girl and a boy sharing the bed together, in fact it gave me the cringes. I've been concentrating too much with what's going on that I had forgotten about Aiden, I never did get to chat to him, maybe he thought I wasn't interested with how long it's took me to say anything, but finally I gave him a quick text saying it was Ellia, the girl from the caravan, I gave a quick apology about not contacting him straight away and sent it. Neither of the boys sat with me in the room at this time so I was left alone, and I was glad for some privacy because now it had finally sunk in that I might not see my mum ever again and the thought of that made me cry so much. I didn't feel comfortable i this house, I barely knew my aunty. I didn't even know my two cousins either and I had to share the same room with them. What I really needed at this time was a nice hot chocolate and Caitlin beside me. I might not even see Caitlin, the saddest part in all of this was I never got to say goodbye to either of them. I had my phone, I could easily of phoned Caitlin but what was I going to say. I sat there for awhile planning what I was going to say to hear when I had received a text back of Aiden, he seemed happy to have gotten a text off me. It seemed stupid, and I wasn't really thinking but I phoned him. After a few rings he answered.

"Hello, Ellia is that you?"

"Yeah, Aiden it's me"

"Wow, I didn't think you would talk to me, after all its being months"

"Yeah sorry about that, thing have been kinda hectic lately, especially today"

"It's none of my business but have you being crying?"

I cried on the phone to him and sat and told him everything, about Liam, about the bullies at school, how I'm anorexic and bulimic and how its getting worse, about my dad hitting my mum and killing my little sister Amelia, how Caitlin had got herself into an almost abusive relationship, how I hit her boyfriend and how he beaten me up, how now I had a baby brother and my dad had escaped from prison and right now it seems like I've just been put in care. Now that I had said it all, it made me cry even more.

"Ellia, things happen to people because they can take it, you might ot think it but you're being so strong. Don't worry about not seeing your mum, surely have they capture your dad they'll let you live with her again, it's just for a short time"

After an hour on the phone and most of it crying he persuaded me to go have coffee with him after school tomorrow. School tomorrow, that was another thing that scared me most. The social worker had came up to my room with most my things from my room. I was glad my books were in there because that's all I planned to do. After a while I decided to give Caitlin a quick call and give her brief detail of what's going on. Looks like tomorrow I was going to have to tell her it all properly. I had to go when my aunt Kate called me down for dinner. I ignored her until she came up with some spaghetti bolognese.

"Look, Ellia, you can't sit up her all day, you're going to have to eat"

"I'm not hungry"

She placed my plate of food on the bed side table. It seemed like Simon was asleep so she climbed up the ladder and sat with me.

"It's hard, I know it's hard but just give me a chance okay, I'll protect you and Simon no matter what, I'll keep checking on your mum too, just please honey don't push me away"

She gave me a hug, I clinged onto her again, not wanting to let go, she stroked my hair and gently pulled away from me. She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and left me alone. I gave it sometime before going to the toilet and throwing my tea into it and flushing it away. That night I didn't sleep at all, I didn't feel comfortable here, my mind kept replaying today's events over and over again. Aiden however stayed up with me trying to keep my mind off things, it worked until he fell asleep leaving me alone. Early in the morning I ran to the bathroom to claim it so I could get ready for school. When I looked in the mirror, I looked like a ghost. Kate was giving me a lift to school so we left early. When I got to school I arrived before Caitlin so I sat on the bench waiting for her. When she saw me she gave me a quick hug and we walked into form. I told her all the details of yesterday, I even told her about me going out with Aiden tonight for a coffee. Today was dragging more than usual, maybe because I was eager to go meet Aiden again. When the bell ran for home time I walked Caitlin to the gate and waved goodbye to her as I got in the car with Kate. She was just about to drive me to her house when I told her I wanted to go to town. There was a few things I needed to do. It wasn't a lie, I just didn't want to talk to her about it.

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