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"At last!" the Grandmaster said as he eyed his prize.  Valkyrie stood beside her master and frowned.  

"He's just a shell.  All hollow," she commented.

"And that's what makes him perfect," the Grandmaster pointed out as he stroked the being on his cheek and under his chin.  "He's beautiful, isn't he?"

"I guess, if you like that kind of thing," Valkyrie sarcastically answered.  The Grandmaster snorted at her jibe and instead held the face of the being in front of him.  

"You are mine, aren't you?" he queried.  The creature did not respond to him, just staring straight ahead, numbly.  As far as Valkyrie was concerned, he was already dead.  "We'll bring him back.  I will remake him and he will be the perfect weapon.  Valkyrie, you will see to his combat training.  I'm sure he still has some muscle memory from his life before, but you will teach him some new skills.  Make him ready!"

"Ready?  Ready for what?" Valkyrie posed as she gripped the being's upper arm to guide him.  

"For the games, of course!  I don't care what the 'All-Father' says; I want him to be the champion for Sakaar.  He will fight for me with utter loyalty and beautiful brutality," the Grandmaster elaborated.  Valkyrie raised her eyebrow and glanced at the shell standing next to her.  How was this thing supposed to represent the diverse world of Sakaar?  

"As you wish, Grandmaster," Valkyrie responded.  She did not feel like getting into a debate with the immortal.  It just would not be convenient for her.  Valkyrie started to take the creature away.  It followed her lead, blindly and without question.  "What does he see in you?  You're just a body bag with no soul," Valkyrie muttered to herself.  She was right, in a manner of speaking.  The thing that walked beside her had no spark in his eyes, no emotions on his face.  But then, that was her job.  To give him emotions, tell him when to be angry and when to be happy.  She was going to help the Grandmaster put a soul back inside him.  Now, whether she liked the result, remained to be seen.

Tally MarksWhere stories live. Discover now