Chapter 22 - The Games Are Over

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Eir smiled up at Brunhilde as she showed her the golden orb which revealed the baby to her.  "Congratulations, she's looking beautiful today," Eir informed the former Valkyrie warrior.  Brunhilde gave her a smile and went back to watching the golden image.  Her baby.  Her's and Loptr's baby.  The child was growing well, and Brunhilde had a noticeable baby bump.  Her smile fell as she thought how Loptr would not experience this.  He would not see these stages of her pregnancy and watch the baby grow inside her.  Eir sensed where her mind was going and placed her hand on her shoulder.  "Ah, sweetling," she said soothingly as she embraced Valkyrie.  Valkyrie almost started crying, but was able to restrain the urge.  Now was not the time for tears.  The time for tears had past.  "Gather your things.  I'll walk you out."  Brunhilde followed Eir out of the healing wing and was greeted by Lord Tyr.  He bowed to her.

"I'm here to take you to the Bifrost dome.  We will deposit you on Alfheim.  You'll be safe there from any Asgardian nobles who would seek to cause you harm," Tyr told her.

"Thank you.  I'm actually surprised you're helping me, Lord Tyr.  Aren't you the All-Father's most loyal servant?" Brunhilde queried.  Lord Tyr gave her a sideways look and sighed.

"I will always be his loyal servant and adviser.  But, what he did to Loki and the cover up was wrong.  The public's reaction to what actually occurred was mixed.  The nobility sided with Odin and the common people sided with Loki.  You are what he loved most in the end, and protecting you is what matters most," Tyr told her and she nodded.  

After Loptr's reveal in the arena, the Grandmaster and all his entourage were banished from Asgard, and forbidden from returning to the Nine Realms ever.  Odin faced backlash from the common people of Asgard; with many in his court still siding with his previous decision of how to deal with Loki.  And the Avengers...?  Clint Barton, Tony Stark, and Bruce Banner had returned to Midgard.  Steve Rogers and Black Widow remained; and Thor had no choice but to stay in Asgard and aid in restoring the people's trust in the crown.  The two remaining Avengers would actually take her to Alfheim.  They were waiting at the Bifrost dome.

"Did the exam go well?" Natasha asked as Tyr brought Brunhilde forward.

"Eir said the babe is healthy.  Once I'm settled in Alfheim, I will find a midwife and wet nurse to help me finish out my term," Valkyrie said.  Steve just gave her a sad smile.  

"Very good then, lady.  I will deposit you on Alfheim at the location specified," Heimdall said as he pushed his sword into the ground and the magic pulled Brunhilde, Steve, and Natasha out of Asgard.

The cottage was finished and a fire was burning in the hearth.  Meat was roasting over the fire and a stew was boiling on the stove.  Herbs hung from the rafters, and a cat sat on the table, its tail flicking side to side.  There was a man sitting in front of the fire, a book in his hand.  He was scribbling in a book, his legs crossed at the knee.  His hair was white, but was showing black on top of his head.  His green eyes glanced up from his book when the 'whoosh' of the Bifrost was heard outside.  He closed the book, quickly rose, and went to the door.  When he opened it, he saw the newcomers outside his cottage.  "Hello, Loptr," said Brunhilde.  A smile broke out across his face and he went to her, taking her into his arms and kissing her.  Steve and Natasha watched with smiles of their own.

During the final scene at the arena, the bullet had gone through Loptr's skull, dropping him to the ground, where it was 'believed' he was dead.  The place had exploded in chaos and the Grandmaster and Topaz had been seized and thrown into the dungeon.  Loptr (Loki) had been taken to the healing ward and Eir had been able to work a miracle on him.  His life was saved, but it set him back again.  His memories of his time with the Grandmaster and the games had been erased.  When he had woken up, Brunhilde had been blunt with him.  "We love each other, you're the father of my child, we're going to live on Alfheim, and we're going to die in each other's arms."  He had accepted it, and when asked what name he wanted: Loki or Loptr, he chose Loptr.  When he was well enough to leave, he had been sent to Alfheim, where the elvish government gave him building materials and workers to construct his cottage and make it all ready for Brunhilde.  

"There is a good midwife in the village.  I've already spoken to her and she has agreed to see you at about the end of the week," Loptr told her.

"That's wonderful.  I had an exam before we left, and Eir said that the baby is healthy," Brunhilde informed him and he smiled.  He looked up at Steve and Natasha, bowing to them a little.

"Thank you for bringing her to me.  Please, stay for supper," he offered and they jumped a little.  None of the Avengers had really conversed with him when he woke up.  His only visitors were Brunhilde, Eir, and Thor.  Thor had spoken to him as an equal, not a brother.  His brother was gone.  Eir said there was no way for Loki to remember anything of his life as Prince of Asgard, so, Thor approached him as a friend.  Loptr had been open to it and they agreed to be correspondents, with Thor occasionally coming to visit.  However, Steve and Natasha were not that familiar with the new Loptr. 

"Please?" Bruhilde asked, and they agreed.  Inside the cottage, Loptr has Brunhilde sit by the fire, and poured both Steve and Natasha a little elven wine.  As they watched him finish with the stew and the meat, they saw that he had put a few flowers around the house: on the mantelpiece, wrapped around the banisters, on the window sills, and in a center vase on the table.  

"You've done a good job with this place," Steve complimented as he looked at book shelf that had been built into the wall.  It was filled with tomes and scrolls; Loptr was as much an avid reader as the Prince of Asgard had been.  

"It's been good for me to work with my hands like this.  I like my callouses," Loptr said as he rolled his sleeves up, preparing to take the meat off the spit.  This drew the attention of Steve and Natasha to the tally marks on his body.  Permanent scars of a past he could not remember.  Loptr smiled as he put the meat on the table and began to carve it up.  Brunhilde moved to the table and Steve and Natasha made themselves comfortable.  Loptr served everyone their food before raising his glass.  "To family.  Wherever they find you."

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