Chapter 6 - The Topic of Conversation

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The Grandmaster was not surprised when he was summoned to the All-Father's chambers for a private drink.  He knew exactly what Odin wanted to discuss and he was already grinning.  Topaz followed him to the golden doors, but was stopped from entered by the commander of the Einherjar, Tyr.  "She remains out here," the Asgardian stated, giving her a look.  She glared back, but was stopped by the Grandmaster.

"It's alright, Topaz.  You can stay out here.  I don't imagine I'll be kept here all night," he answered before he entered.  The doors were closed behind him and En Dwi Gast caught sight of Odin sitting in one of two chairs before the mighty hearth at the opposite side of the room.  As he approached, En Dwi Gast caught sight of a statue of a beautiful woman in the center of the room.  The former Queen of Asgard, Frigga.  "You 'summoned' me, Odin," the Grandmaster said loftily.  Odin looked up at him, his one cold, blue eye glaring at him.  

"What have you done?" was all he asked.

"What have I done what?  I'm sorry, you'll have to be a bit more specific.  I've done many things... people too," En Dwi Gast answered as he sat down in the second chair and poured himself a glass of liquor.  

"What have you done to Loki?" Odin queried again.

"Why?  Do you care?  When you sent him to me, an empty body bag, I got the impression you didn't care what I did to him.  You just wanted him gone.  You erased him from your records and took away his family name.  He has no more connection to you.  So... whatever I decide to do with him is my business," En Dwi Gast responded.

"You turned him into a killer and enrolled him in these games to accomplish what?  Humiliate me when everyone finds out who he is?" Odin suggested and En Dwi Gast laughed.

"Humiliate you?!  Now why would I waste time doing that?  I'm merely proving myself more capable of controlling the wayward boy than you.  I have something he wants," En Dwi Gast said mysteriously and Odin's eyebrow went up.  "He was so sad when I first got him; the form of a once living creature, but with no mind or soul.  I gave him those back, and so much more."

"You think I didn't see that former Valkyrie warrior among your cohort when you arrived?  I know Brunhilde well.  She trained him, didn't she?" 

"She's more than just his instructor.  When I give her permission, she's his bed warmer as well.  She informed that he's developed a fondness for her and refuses to lay with any other female on Sakaar, preferring her above all others," the Grandmaster said with a chuckle.  Odin became quiet after this, staring into his goblet as the Grandmaster continued to drink from his.

"Does he... have any... recollection of Asgard or his life before?" Odin posed.  En Dwi Gast drained his cup before he refilled it.

"No, he doesn't.  We test him once every three moons to verify that.  We stimulate his brain to trigger memories and then give him examples.  The last time, we used your wife and he had no reaction at all.  You should be proud.  Whatever you did to him worked like a charm," En Dwi Gast responded.  Odin crushed his goblet in his hand.  He had been so angry when Frigga had perished.  When he found Loki's body on Svartlfheim, and discovered that he was still alive, he had taken his anger out on the boy.  On the boy who had been his son.  It was only after the torturers and Eir came to him, saying that Loki had gone brain dead, that he woke up and realized what he had done.  Thor and Asgard were laboring under the delusion that Loki had died an honorable death in the end and in reality, Odin had pushed him to his breaking point.  Odin had Eir tend to him as best she could before contacting a powerful ruler as far across the galaxy as possible, and asking him to remove a burden from him.  En Dwi Gast had been thrilled and accepted the body of Loki and Odin heard no more.  Until today.

"You mean to use him to win the games," Odin stated and the Grandmaster nodded.

"Why else would I insist on making him my only champion.  He's perfect!  He killed so many contenders in my private games on Sakaar that I just had to try him out in a grander setting.  You saw the way he battled that advanced human today.  He'll turn everyone into mince meat.  You want to know why?  Because he's not doing it to please me, even though he knows it'll make me happy.  He's doing it because he knows it's what he's good at.  He's just so good at killing," En Dwi Gast said.  Odin knew that when Loki was younger, he had done everything for his father.  For Odin.  Odin had never acknowledged his efforts and now, as Loptr, En Dwi Gast was not putting that pressure on him.  "Ah!  Don't worry, old man!  It's pointless to feel guilt now that you've disowned him," he reminded cruelly as he finished his drink and stood up.  "I'll be taking my leave now.  Got to get my beauty sleep," the Grandmaster said as he departed, leaving Odin to his thoughts and his alcohol.  

When the doors to the chamber opened and En Dwi Gast left, Topaz fell into step behind him.  "What did the old codger want?" she asked.

"Peace of mind," the Grandmaster responded.

"Did he get it?" Topaz posed next.

"No.  And he never will."

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