Chapter 15 - Humanity

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Brunhilde watched anxiously as the fight continued on between Loptr and the Man of Iron.  This was starting to drag out and she knew the longer it took, the more irritable the Grandmaster would become.  And the last thing she wanted was for Loptr to be subjected to another punishment.  She knew the moment that happened, he would kill En Dwi Gast, and their whole plan would come apart.  Loptr was on his last straw with the Grandmaster, and one misstep on the part of the eternal being would seal his fate faster.  Valkyrie glanced up and saw Topaz watching and she made a face at her.  Meanwhile, the Grandmaster was watching intently, waiting for Loptr to finish the fight.  The Avengers, on the other side of Odin, were also wondering why Tony was dragging this out and not really trying to finish Loki off.  

In the arena, Tony decided that enough was enough and prepared to unleash his laser power upon Loptr.  Loptr's scanner sensed the increasing heat in the center piece of Iron Man's suit.  Loptr drew a dagger and threw it.  "Incoming, boss," Friday warned a split second too late.  The dagger made contact with the chest piece just as it had overloaded itself with power.  The explosion that followed knocked the two combatants off their feet.  Everyone waited with bated breath to see what would be revealed once the dust had settled.  When the smoke had cleared, everyone was startled to see that the champion for Sakaar was tearing the armor off the Iron Man from Midgard.  They all wondered why.  His armor was on fire, and he would undoubtedly be roasted within it like a pig in the oven.  However, Loptr finished rending the metal asunder, pulled Tony Stark out and dropped him on the ground.

"Tony Stark of Midgard forfeits the battle and I give him his life in exchange," Loptr declared as he placed his foot on Tony's chest.  Iron Man looked up at Loptr through half closed eyes.  This was the man who had once said, "Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity."  And now, he was giving Tony his life.  Odin could hear all the Avengers breathe a sigh of relief at this.  The Grandmaster nodded and gave the All-Father a sideways look.  The All-Father raised his hand in acknowledgment of Loptr's statement.  Without so much as a backward glance, Loptr walked away from Tony Stark and disappeared.

Loptr lowered himself into the bath and watched as his body disappeared underneath the bubbles.  The warm water felt good against his skin as he washed the grime from the battle and sweat from his bodysuit.  He tilted his head back and let his white hair slip into the water and his red eyes closed.  He submerged himself and remained there for several minutes before he broke the surface of the water.  As soon as he came back up, he sensed another presence, and his hand went out, catching Brunhilde's as she reached for him.  He turned and looked at her.  "The Grandmaster wanted to reward you for your effort in the field of combat today," she informed him.  Loptr said nothing.  He merely nodded and let go of Brunhilde's hand.  The Valkyrie started to strip her leather and armor off and let her hair out of its braid.  Finally, she was naked and climbing into the tub, straddling Loptr's thighs.  She pushed his hair out of his face and kissed him.  Loptr's hands made their way up her sides, easing her onto his manhood.  They both gasped and Loptr started to gently thrust up into her.  

Brunhilde wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips all over his ear and neck.  Finally, she placed her lips over his and they kissed passionately.  Loptr's pale hands skimmed over Val's darker skin before he laced his fingers in her hair.  He pulled her head back and kissed up her neck before he claimed her lips again.  When they pulled apart, they rested their foreheads against each other.  "Just a few more fights, then our plan will have reached its zenith," Brunhilde informed him.

"I know," Loptr responded.  "Just hoping I can hold out that long."  Valkyrie sighed before she gasped and bit her lip in pleasure.  Loptr grinned when he saw her reaction and continued applying those tactics to get the same response from her.  Valkyrie leaned against him and panted hard.  They were both dripping wet, and they could not tell where their sweat ended and the water began.  The waves lapped up the sides of the tub and threatened to spill over the rim.  Loptr held Brunhilde close and they reached their completion together.  They kissed lazily and enjoyed the moments they had together.  

"Be grateful he spared you.  At least he spoke up for you," Steve said to Tony as the Avengers gathered in their chambers.  Tony was holding an ice pack to his head and wincing at almost every loud sound.  They had dimmed the lights in the chamber to ease his suffering.  A headache was apparently the worst injury he had sustained, along with a few minor burns.

"Gee, thanks Rogers!  Thanks for reminding me I owe him a thank you for sparing me," Tony responded dryly.  Steve just shook his head, before he glanced at Thor.  The Prince of Asgard was stroking his chin, deep in thought.  

"What's up, Thor?" he asked.

"Tony said that Loptr... Loki... decided to spare him.  Nobody spoke up for you; he chose to spare you," Thor stated.

"Are you saying he actually has a heart?" Clint queried sarcastically.  Thor made a face at Clint, but nodded his head.

"He chose to spare Tony.  He knew that he had won, and he also knew he didn't have to take your life, Stark.  He settled for your surrender instead," Thor stated.  

"Isn't surrender like the greatest dishonor in your culture?  I might as well commit honorable suicide," Tony commented lightly.

"This is a Nordic society, Tony.  This isn't Japan, where seppuku was expected if you fail," Natasha said with her usual straight face.  Tony stuck his tongue out at her.

"I wanted to see if Thor would remember," he explained away.

"You mean you were wondering if I recalled those Japanese cartoons you insisted on showing me, because nobody else understands them?  I recall," Thor answered flatly.

"Dammit, Thor!  They're called anime, not cartoons," Tony insisted.  

"Whatever, Stark," Natasha jabbed back.

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