Chapter 20 - Prison Break!

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"This is a bad idea," Bruce stated for the record as he and Clint followed the directions to the prison.  Surprisingly, the servants gave them the information quickly and without question.  

"Well, it was Nat's, so you can blame her," Clint responded as he slipped along the wall and peeked around the corner.  Guards were stationed every two cells and there were certainly a lot of cells, so that made a lot of guards.  

"The Hulk will come out, in an underground, tight place," Bruce commented.  "Again, bad idea."

"Well, how about I operate as a distraction, and you go look for the Valkyrie warrior.  Have fun!" Clint encouraged before he made his presence known.  "Hey guys!  I can't seem to find the bathroom!"

Really, Clint?  The 'I can't find the bathroom' excuse?  Bruce wondered as he crept along the hallways and between the cells.  Clint's arrival had distracted the guards and made it easier for Bruce to go between the cells and try to find the one occupant they wanted.  All the prisoners called to him, asking him to free them from their prison, but Bruce ignored them.  Suddenly, he came round a corner and found what he was looking for.  The dark-haired, dark-skinned Valkyrie warrior was lying on a cot, with her back to the glass?  Bruce looked up at the golden barrier that separated him from her.  Bruce reached out and touched it.  "Ouch!" he exclaimed, leaping back from the burning contact.  This disturbed the room's occupant and Brunhilde sat up quickly.  She spun around and stared at the bespectacled man standing outside her cell.  

"What the bloody hell?" she asked as she stood up.

"Sorry.  I don't really know how to open this.  Do you, by any chance?" he posed.  Brunhilde glanced around before she stood up and gave him a look.

"You either shut off the cell's power source, along with every other cell in the block.  Or, you could over power this particular cell's shield.  But, as you are, that won't work," she said.  Bruce caught the implication and sighed, removing his glasses.  

"It's not a pretty sight," he told her as he prepared to unleash the Hulk.

"I'm used to ugly things," she stated.  Bruce scowled at her as he thought of something that would make him angry.  Brunhilde watched him, tapping her foot on the ground, her hands on her hips.  "The really ugly fact is that I'm in here," she said and Bruce sensed that the Hulk was irritated by that.  "Come on!  Let the ugliness out.  You'll feel better when it's over, trust me," she taunted.

Hulk annoyed!  Hulk getting angry! the green beast said in Banner's mind.

Not the right place or time! Banner fired back.  

Is it ever? the Hulk countered and Bruce was shocked by the sarcasm.  

You've been exposed to Tony too much, he thought as he smacked the force field again.  Brunhilde yawned and sat back on her cot.

"I just might give birth before you get me out of here," Valkyrie commented.

"Give birth?!" Bruce shrieked and she winced.


Get pregnant lady out now! Hulk bellowed and that was the straw that broke the camel's back.  Before Bruce could say anything, the Hulk came out and with one punch from his green fist, he broke the barrier separating him from Brunhilde.  She stood up quickly as Hulk's hand reached in and pulled her out.  He cradled her close as his finger touched her stomach.  "Tough lady having baby," he said.

"Yes, I'm having my lover's child.  Can you take me to him?" she asked and Hulk nodded.  

This is a bad idea!!! Bruce shouted.

Thor had gotten Mjolnir back, but he had several little cuts on his face and neck from Loki's delicate blade.  He was actually starting to get angry now and swung Mjolnir a little harder than he meant to.  Loptr was unable to dodge it in time and felt the bones in his left arm crunch as they broke.  "Dammit!" Tony cursed under his breath.  Steve winced as Loki went flying across the arena and rolled in the dirt.  The Grandmaster frowned and Odin had to restrain a smile.  He felt the disapproving side glance that Natasha was giving him.  

"So you know then," Odin stated quietly.  Natasha nodded.

"It wasn't hard to investigate after Steve first fought him.  There was no way we weren't going to notice.  Getting all the nitty, gritty details... now that was interesting," Natasha admitted and Odin frowned.

"I'm not proud of what I did," he admitted.

"I can tell; you sent him half way across the galaxy to cover it up," Natasha rejoined.  Natasha could hear Odin's jaw working overtime.  

"Is that why you and your little group are actually here?  Trying to bring his memories back?  It won't work," Odin said and Natasha shrugged.

"Maybe it won't.  But at least we can free him from the situation he finds himself in.  He doesn't need to be somebody's slave.  He can be free," Natasha answered.  That was when they heard a crash and saw that Thor had knocked Loki down again.  The Grandmaster was leaning forward in his seat and Topaz was looking displeased.  Thor raised Mjolnir overhead, and the rest of the Avengers could not believe their eyes.

"Thunder head don't smash puny god!" bellowed a voice and everyone turned to see who had shouted that.  Hulk was standing at the entrance to the arena, Hawkeye by his side, and a woman sitting on his shoulder.  Thor dropped Mjolnir and looked at his shaking hands.

"I almost killed him.  After I just found him again," he muttered.

"You found nobody," said a voice and Thor glanced at Loki.  He had pulled himself out of the dirt, spitting bloodied saliva out of his mouth.  "The person you think you're looking for is gone.  Long gone.  Accept that."  Loptr walked past Thor and made his way to the entrance of the arena.  Hulk put Brunhilde down and she went to Loptr.  He carefully embraced her with his right arm, cradling his broken left to his body.  When they pulled apart, they touched their foreheads together and he said, "I'm done hiding."

Tally MarksWhere stories live. Discover now