Chapter 19 - The Final Combat

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Brunhilde woke up the next day and rolled over, pulling the covers in close.  She shivered a little and tried not to feel depressed or downtrodden.  But, given her current situation, it was very difficult.  She could not tell Loptr that she was pregnant, but she would not put it past the Grandmaster to inform him as a means of cajoling him.  Brunhilde feared what Loptr would do when cornered.  She remembered training him when he had first been brought to them, the shell of a man, with no soul.  

When he had first been given a weapon, he had lashed out at her.  It was pure muscle memory and he had almost hurt her and others.  Another time, he had even tried to take his life.  The blood had covered the floor and for a brief instant, Brunhilde had believed him dead.  The Grandmaster had (stupidly) asked why he would ever want to kill himself.  Brunhilde had known the answer.  Loptr had been depressed when he first started waking up.  When he first started speaking and interacting with her, he had been confused.  He started to get upset and volatile.  Valkyrie still remembered when he had changed and started putting up the cold facade.  After that, he had only shown her how he really felt.  

Brunhilde suddenly felt a lurching in her stomach and she emptied its contents onto the floor.  She knew the signs of pregnancy.  When the Valkyrie unit had still existed and there were sisters who broke their vows, these were always the signs of their shame.  But this was not a shame to Brunhilde.  She was proud to be with child, she was proud to be carrying Loptr's child.  When everything worked out for them, they would flee to some realm or planet that did not care for these political games.  There, they would have their child and live in peace.  No more fighting for others pleasure or sport.  They would live their lives according to their wishes.  Brunhilde put her head back on the pillow and tried to ignore the taste of bile in her mouth.  Instead, she smiled to herself.  

The Grandmaster and Topaz greeted Loptr first thing in the morning.  When they opened the door, they saw him standing there.  His white hair was braided down his back, he had his enhanced, flexible armor on, and his red eyes were trained forward, anticipating their arrival.  En Dwi Gast looked at him long and hard, sizing him up and down, walking around him.  When he snapped his fingers in front of his face, Loptr did not even flinch.  "How is the gladiator this morning?"

"Awaiting your orders, master," was the monotone response.  

"Good!  Good, good," he said and he touched Loptr's cheek.  He did not move an inch.  "Well, you're fighting the Golden Prince of Asgard today."  Loptr's eyes shifted just a little bit to look at En Dwi Gast.  "I want you to kill him."

"As my master commands."

Odin had a sneaking suspicion today was going to be a bad day.  As he sat on his throne and surveyed the arena, his blacked out eye was aching and he felt a pulsating headache beginning in his temple.  He did not want Thor to fight 'Loki', but Thor has insisted to 'uphold the honor of Asgard'.  Odin could sense that Thor knew more than he was letting on, and that concerned him.  How much did he know exactly?  Odin gave the Avengers a sideways look, and they were all studiously avoiding glancing at him.  Odin frowned.  He had played the game of cat and mouse for years with political opponents.  He had a pretty good idea of when people were lying.  "Lady Widow," he called and Natasha turned to look at him.  "Would you join me for this match?" he asked.  Everyone gave him a look, except for Natasha, who just gave him a smirk and sat down beside him.  Odin nodded before he faced forward.

Thor stepped out into the arena, swinging Mjolnir, and smiling at the Asgardian populace.  They were cheering for their prince and for a brief moment, Thor reveled in their worship.  However, that disappeared when he caught sight of Loki across the arena.  He saw the ruby eyes studying him like a predator scrutinizing his prey.  He knew that Loki did not remember him; so he would have to try really hard to jiggle some image of the past in Loki's mind.  "Hello.  I'm Prince Thor," he introduced.  Loki's eyes didn't even twitch.  He just stared at Thor, no visible weapons in his hands, and no movement, other than the almost imperceptible breathing.  "You are not Loptr," he whispered, but that was when Odin dropped his hand and suddenly Loki had the chain he had from the beginning.  Thor brought Mjolnir up (which was probably a more useful weapon against the morningstar than a shield) and blocked Loki's first attempt to take his head off.  

Loki was quick to pull back on his chain and Thor did his best to trap the chain around Mjolnir's handle.  When he had a decent amount spun around, he threw Mjolnir as hard as he could, knowing it would drag Loki with it.  

Loptr felt the pull of the legendary hammer and he allowed it to lift him off the ground, before he released his hold on the handle.  It had launched him high overhead, and he drew his needle-like blade.

"You called me over here for a reason; and it wasn't to enjoy my company," Natasha commented to Odin.  The All-Father looked at the mortal woman.  He could understand how a normal man could lose to her.  However, he was not normal.

"Did I do such wrong?  Am I beyond forgiveness?" he asked as he turned back to the arena.  Natasha's lips quirked up a little, but she refrained from revealing her emotions.

"Depends on the wrong.  A child can commit a wrong by taking another child's lunch or money; but a child can be forgiven because they are a child, and must be taught right and wrong by their parents.  An adult should know the difference between right and wrong.  If you knowingly commit wrong, forgiveness is not for anyone but the victim to decide," she answered.  Odin looked at her.

"You speak as if you know what is like to not be forgiven," Odin responded and Natasha shrugged.

"I have red in my ledger, and I'm working to wipe it out.  I can't ask my victims for forgiveness; they're all dead.  Your victim apparently doesn't even remember the crime you committed against him," Natasha said casually, and Odin's head snapped in her direction.  That was when En dwi Gast arrived in the box and sat down.  He gave Odin a Cheshire Cat style smirk and leaned back, watching Loptr and Thor fight.

"You're late.  Shocking, considering who your champion is facing," Odin stated between gritted teeth.

"I had a personal matter to deal with.  I had to deposit one of my people in your cells for disciplinary action.  That's all," the Grandmaster said dismissively.  Natasha's eyes narrowed as her mind immediately went to the Valkyrie warrior that Loki seemed close to.  She glanced back in the direction of the other Avengers, pretending to be scratching her neck.  She started to sign and Clint caught it.  He knew sign language.

Go to the Asgardian prisons and free whoever the Grandmaster is keeping there, she signed.

Are you sure? Clint asked.  Natasha glared at him.

Don't make me ask you twice, she scolded and Clint sighed.  He suddenly stood up and stretched his hands over his head, yawning.  Everyone turned to him. 

"Ah!  I think my eardrums can't take this anymore.  Bruce, could you help me with my medicine and my hearing aids?" Clint asked, turning to Bruce and giving him the 'get going right now!' face.  

"Okay..." the scientist said as he got up and followed his fellow Avenger off the balcony.  

"Your friend has a problem with his ears?" En dwi Gast asked.  Natasha knew she had to tell the truth in order to avoid detection, so she nodded.

"He lost his hearing in an accident when he first started working for our security organization.  We mortals have come up with a thing called 'hearing aids' that help return some of the hearing that was lost," Natasha answered.  

"Ah!  We have similar inventions.  Except it requires surgery to implant it in their ears and connect it to the brain," En dwi Gast answered casually.  Natasha nodded.  That was when there was a gasp from the crowd and Thor spun away, a slice across his cheek.  Odin faced forward and paid attention again to the combat. 

Thor looked at Loki and again, saw no recognition in his eyes.  "Brother!  Are you in there?  You've got to be in there," Thor insisted.  Loki's eyes blinked slowly as if he was trying to comprehend what was being said to him.  "You've got to be in there," Thor repeated.  Loki did not respond and instead, attempted another strike with his thin blade.

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