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Reyna POV

  Reyna woke up in a bed with white covers and golden sheets. She felt Percy next to her and she just sat there. Percy kissed her neck and Reyna smiled an decked him on his lips. "Where are we?" Reyna asked. "Thats what i was wondering." Percy rubbed his head and smiled. Reyna got up and walked to the TV. She passed Percy the remote. "Lets see whats on." Percy smiled and Hephaestus TV popped up. "Breaking news, wanted Criminals Annabeth Chase and Jason Grace were spotted leaving Tartarus with Athena and Ares. Another figure was seen leaving with them. We do not know where they are headed but we will keep you updated." A minor goddess exclaimed and Percy shut off the TV. "What were they doing in Tartarus?" Reyna asked. "Recruting Tartarus. He has a physical form." Percy groaned and the TV went black. "Percy and Reyna, please report to the god's lair." A similar voice echoed. Reyna jumped out of bed and took off her clothes. Percy did also and they changed into jean-shorts and there Camp sweatshirts. Percy grabbed Reyna's hand and lead her to the gods. "Hello son. We must speak." Poseidon smiled and looked at the couple. A goddess sat on his lap, was that Hera? "My new wife, Hera. We have gathered a few gods and goddesses but we have new news. Athena, Ares , Aphrodite ,Apollo, Hermes, Mr. D, and Nike have joined the rebels. I am the new king of Olympus." Poseidon smiled. "But back to the news. They have made Jason and Annabeth gods." Poseidon's smile faded and he stared at his sons eyes. Percy's eyes were filled with anger. "We want to make you, Reyna, and Nico gods. You will be the god of the Sea, Heros, Loyalty, horses, natural disasters, and lighting. I am also the god of the sea, but I am taking Zeus's realm. Reyna, you will be the goddess of war, nobility, fire, shadows, and energy. Nico will be the god of the underworld, the night, death, and tornadoes. Will you accept?" Poseidon, king of the gods asked. Percy looked at me and I nodded. "Yes, father." Percy smiled and kissed me. Poseidon shot a ball of energy at us and power flared within us. Percy had a blue aura around him and I had a pink aura. I smiled and gripped his hand. Percy looked even sexier then usual. He smiled and summoned his throne. It was made of clouds, water, and swords. Mine was made of fire, smoke, and Roman robes. I smiled and we walked away. "We will be recruiting, father." Percy smiled and gripped my hand. I smiled and we teleported. We appeared in the woods. A army of monsters surrounded the few demigods between them. Percy glared and made a new weapon. It was a scythe with a golden horse at the end. He summoned a hurricane and I summoned a tornado. The monsters were blown over then sucked up and Percy and I cut through the remaining monsters. Within minutes, they were all gone. In front, stood a little girl, a satyr. "Hello, mortals. We are gods from Olympus. A war is coming. We need your help." Percy smiled and teleported them to Camp Half Blood. The day went on like this. Constantly recruiting demigods left and right. Having them trained and making them weapons. Then there was a little girl. "My name is Talia." Percy smiled and looked at Reyna. The girl was seven. Reyna thought it was weird she knew that. "Hello Talia." Percy smiled and grabbed her hand teleporting to Camp. Percy trained her all night, and no weapon felt balanced with her. "Try this." Percy smiled and handed her a pen. He removed the cap and Riptide showed. "Its perfect." He smiled and looked at her. "Keep it, it will magically re-appear in your pocket if you loose it." Percy smiled and patted the little one on her head. She charged the dummy and sliced his chest. "Thank you, Percy." Percy smiled and teleported them back to there room. Percy could be such a good dad.. Reyna's thoughts veered off. The two lay next to each other and kissed. "I love you." Percy smiled and Reyna smiled back. "I have a idea." Percy smiled. "Gaea. Underworld. River lethe." Percy smiled and Reyna looked at him nervously. "Maybe. Focus on me now." Reyna smiled and stared into his sea green eyes...

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