Chapter 25.

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Nico POV
I snapped my fingers and Dylan and I appeared in a palace. I had based this room off his home town. It had a sandy beach and a pool in the corner where his favorite fish swam around. Then he had a water bed and a giant TV and dresser.
"What did I do to deserve this?" Dylan asked, clearly amazed.
"Just one of the perks." I smiled.
Dylan opened the fridge and found his favorite ice cream, cookie dough inside.
"Oh my gods, thank you so much." Dylan smiled and almost tackled me in a hug. I awkwardly hugged back.
"I'm gonna go for a swim. You gonna go back to your room or stay and swim?" Dylan asked.
"Uhh. I guess I'll swim." I smiled courage filling inside me. Dylan dove right into the water and I couldn't see him. I had kept my clothes on and slowly walked towards the beach, where I sat down. He poked his head out of the water and smiled.
"Nico, so I'm guessing your a god?" Dylan asked.
"Yes I am." I smiled.
"Gods that is so cool." Dylan smiled and waved for me to join him.
"Let me change first." I smiled.
"Okay, I'm gonna get a drink." He grabbed a pineapple soda from the fridge. I snapped my fingers, but as that happened he dropped his soda on the floor. I jumped up scared and it was to late before I realized what was happening.
I stood there naked infront of Dylan, and I blushed hard and jumped into the water.
I could hear him laughing from above.
When I appeared on the surface, he was still laughing.
"What was that?" He asked.
"An accident. ." I said.
"Okay. But that..... was hilarious." He said and continued laughing.
"Can you get me something to wear?" I asked.
He walked over to his new bathroom and grabbed a towel. He tossed it to me and turned around, as if he were covering his eyes from me.
I wrapped the towel around my waist and got out of the water.
"I am going to take a shower. I'll meet you in 20 minutes and show you where to find dinner." I said and teleported myself to my room. I quickly hopped into the shower and rinsed off.
Reyna POV
Percy's hand slowly went up my thigh as his soft lips pressed against mine. Our lips moved in sync and I was pinned against the mattress.
He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer to him, but I flipped around so I was on top of him. I pressed my lips hard against his and furiously made out with him. His hands lingers on my ass and my thighs. When I pulled away, he grinned. I kissed him once more until I heard a knock at the door.
"Percy. Reyna. Who's the new kid?" It was Annabeth.
"A recruit. After all, we need him for when Chaos comes." I looked at her and she nodded and walked off.
"What's the plan for him anyways." Percy asked me.
"I suppose we make him a god. We would need him." I smiled.
"But what if he doesn't wanna become a god. What if he wants to stay a Half-Blood?" Percy asked.
"Only time can tell, baby." I said and kissed him.
Nico POV.
When I got out the shower I put on my adidas boxer briefs, black skinny jeans, a black Nirvana sweatshirt and black converse.
I snapped my fingers and appeared in Dylan's room. He still didn't have a shirt on. He looked around the dresser, looking at all the new clothes.
"Hey Nico." He said
"Ready?" I asked.
"Can we just eat here? I think it would be better" Dylan smiled.
"Sure. I'll bring you food." I snapped my fingers and brought him some steak.
"Guess I'll be going now." I smiled.
"You can stay." Dylan looked at me.
"Tell me about you." He smiled.
"Well, I'm 15 years old and a god. So yeah. I'm a child of Hades, and well. I'm gay." I smiled.
"Very Descriptive, Nico." Dylan grinned and threw a blackberry in his mouth. He grinned.
"I noticed something. If your very quiet, you can hear Percy and Reyna." Dylan grinned and heard the sound of a creaking bed.
"Oh my gods." I whispered and played music.
"What about you Dylan? Tell me about you." I smiled.
"I'm 14, from Florida and I have never really had any sort of real family. My mom left me when I was 4. I've lived on the beach my whole life. I never knew who my dad was until now, but I've always heard something. In the back of my head, someone whispering." He looked down.
"Your father?" I asked.
"Maybe." He said.
"Whatever it is, you will figure it out. I'm sure of it." I smiled and he laughed.
"I hope so." He finished.
"I guess I'll get going now. I'll see you later." I said and he nodded. I teleported into my bed and fell asleep.
Dylan POV
I sat in my new room watching TV. As I flipped through the channel's I heard a weird noise. I walked outside my room and was my heart skipped a beat.
"Dylan Jackson. Maybe you would want to tell this puny god who you really are." He held up Percy.
"What is she talking about?" Percy struggled and her grip tightened on him.
"Percy. There's so much I've been scared to tell you. So much you don't know." I hesitated and she dropped Percy onto the cold floor.
Nyx, Primordial of the night walked towards me.
"Only you can stop Lord Chaos. And you know at what cost." Nyx flashed away. A blonde haired girl ran towards me and Percy looked at me with fear in his eyes. He got onto his feet and walked away.
Suddenly I was in a room with Percy, the Blondie, and Reyna.
"Tell us everything."
"Don't Tell me what to do." I glared and Percy got up.
"What are you really?" He asked.
"Your forgotten cousin." I glared into his eyes and he glared into mine.

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