Gods' Meet.

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Percy POV.

   Percy told the gods and goddesses his plan. Some didnt look to happy at the idea, and others did. It was a risky situation, but if it worked, this could be a game changer. This could help them win the war. "Tartarus has joined them, I saw it in my dreams.We need someone like Gaea." Percy shouted at the gods'. "No way, Perseus." Poseidon stammered. "If nobody wants to help. I'll do it MYSELF." Percy roared and stormed off to his palace. Reyna followed him. "Percy, don't go. You won't win. It is hopeless." Reyna looked at him. "They will win the war if we dont do something about this. We need this. We can brainwash her and make her a good goddess. You will come, will you?" Percy stammered at his girlfriend. "P-percy, I can't go with y-you." Reyna stuttered. "I knew it. You lied to me. You won't do anything for me. Your just like Annabeth!" Percy shouted and Reyna's eyes stung. Percy stormed out of the room and Reyna tried to stop him. He pushed her to the side and left the room. "Percy, please, you'll die!" Reyna shouted and he ran out of the palace. "I guess I can never love anybody." Percy's eyes watered. "She lied. Like everyone." He shot the tears away and a hand gripped his shoulder. "I will join you, cousin." Nico di Angelo, his god-cousin stood at his side. "We shall leave now. Bob is waiting for us." Nico smiled and they entered the underworld. Percy smiled as Bob ran up to the two and gave them a huge hug. "My friends. Welcome. Gaea is right this way." Bob smiled and Percy noticed his outfit had changed. He now wore a cloak, with his broom at his side. Percy followed Bob and Small Bob stroked his leg. "Bob, your getting out of the underworld this time." Bob smiled. "They have gotten Dasmen." Bob looked at Percy and Percy flinched. "Wow" Percy stammered at the casket. Gaea was sleeping. The three of them picked it up and walked to the river lethe. "Toss it in?" Percy asked. Nico nodded and they threw the casket into the river. They sat on the bank of the river, telling stories and catching Bob up. Nothing happened. Gaea never rose out of the water, wondering who she was. Percy put Reyna in the back of his mind and ate a loaf of bread. Then he spotted two blonde people. "They are here. Jason and Annabeth." Percy stumbled to his feet. "Annabeth Chase, how could you hurt Percy like that." Bob growled at her. She stumbled backwards into Jason's arms and then the pair spotted the trio. They advanced on the trio and glared. "Hello, Percy." Annabeth smiled and kissed Jason passionately. "Heard you became a god. Well thats okay because I'm a goddess." Annabeth grinned and looked at Percy. "Y-you saw what I did to Z-zeus. Don't try me." Percy stuttered when the two kissed. "I dont care what you did. It won't happen again. I know my image still haunts you. You are still broken from the fact that we dont need you. And when it comes to it, my mother is right, your loyalty won't do you any god. You, Percy Jackson, will lose the war because you could not kill your friends. Or your ex- friends. It makes me happy, to see that I haunt you. Jason is better then you. You won't be any match for him." Annabeth smiled. "Jason isn't shit. Neither are you. We will destroy you, right here, right now." Nico grinned as his dark hair fell over his eyes. Jason laughed. "Goodbye, Percy, you dont realize the truth. It could have just been you. But you dragged the whole fucking world into your problems." Annabeth smiled and kissed Jason. The two teleported away and Percy fell to his knees. Tears streamed down his face, and he felt like jumping into the Lethe and forgetting this whole mess. "Percy, dont worry about it. Don't let her get to you." Nico helped him up and Bob hugged the two. They teleported to the throne room. Percy looked at his uncle's and aunts as they glared at Bob. "We have a new Olympian." Nico shouted and everyone applauded Bob and his cat. "Thank you, nieces and nephews. I appreciate it." Bob smiled and created his throne. He sat and suddenly dozed off into a snore. Small Bob jumped on his lap and stretched out. "The mission was a fail. I guess Percy actually killed her." Nico told the gods and they all nodded. Percy hadn't noticed that Reyna wasn't sitting at her throne. "Percy, we have a proposition for you. We have decided, will you become the god of the earth along with your other capability's?" Hades and Poseidon asked. "Sure. If it means helping win the war." Percy smiled and Nico patted him on the back. "Im going to Camp Half-Blood." Percy smiled and teleported to Half Blood Hill. Percy smiled as his new friend, Talia, gripped riptide. "You will be a amazing warrior." Percy smiled and patted her on the shoulder. He spoke with Chiron. He watched as all the campers trained, and he assisted. He spoke with Frank, teaching sword fighting and archery. "Hazel os at camp Jupiter teaching with Piper. I'm here with Leo." Frank had said and Percy found Leo. Leo was crafting weapons and stuff. He started a conversation but was teleported to the top of a crane. "Percy, can we talk?" Reyna asked and Percy looked over the whole city of New York. "You....... FAKE PERSON." Percy shouted and jumped off the crane. He teleported himself to Montauk. He had always loved it here. 'Should I just leave relationships alone? What should I do?' Percy wondered.

Reyna POV

Tears streamed down Reyna's face as she lay in bed. She wished she had went with Percy. She had told him that she would do anything for him, and she didn't. She lied, and he was right. She had used Percy's loyalty. Percy felt betrayed, and Reyna knew that. She wished she had never broken him. He knew how a broken heart felt, because he'd experienced it once or twice. Reyna felt so bad with herself. She cried herself to sleep.

Percy POV

  Percy teleported to Olympus and created his own palace. He liked all the islands and water and earth that he had created it. All the riches in the earth he had used to build his Palace. He walked inside and lay down in his huge bed. The bed was at least 50 feet long and 100 feet wide. He liked that. His whole palace was huge. Way to big for him, but he liked it. He felt pain in his heart, feeling betrayed. Percy fell asleep in his blanket igloo. He woke up to Reyna calling his name and he wished she'd just leave him alone. She had lied to him. That hurt. He couldn't stand with the lying. He wished he would never love a unloyal person, but then he knew that there were only unloyalw people in the world. Percy locked all his doors and fell asleep again.

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