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Percy POV
I woke up laying next to Reyna and kissed her gently. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. "I love you." I whispered in her ears and she smiled before kissing me. I pulled her warm body close to me, and it felt good to get sleep. Ever since Reyna left I never really got any sleep. I was always up thinking about her. I looked around and smiled. I pulled my boxers up higher, the image of a trident on them. I hugged Reyna tighter and she groaned. I got out of bed and slipped on my Hanes boxer shorts. A comfortable pair , I must add. Reyna smiled and kissed my neck and I looked in the mirror. I had small bruises on my neck, most likley from Rey last night. Gods I love this girl. I walked outside and yawned. Then someone tackled me. "Jackson... You took Hazel. It's me vs you, and I will show your camp that Percy truly bleeds." Frank growled and punched my face. I teleported to the forest and Frank followed. He punched me in the face and I stumbled backwards. He punched me with tremendous power and I shot across and hit a tree. I groaned slightly and got up. Frank went for another punch but I sidestepped and punched the back of his head. He crashed into a tree, and then I kicked his back leg. My shorts were the only thing I had on my body. I shivered. I kicked Franks head into the trunk but he quickly got up and punched me in the gut. I stumbled backwards but shot a Gyser at him. He summoned the plants to wrap around my legs but I slowed time and then forced the earth to eat the plants. He launched at me with tremendous speed but I sidestepped again thanks to my controlling time power. I smiled and kicked the back of his leg. I commanded the earth to grab his foot and kicked his leg again, breaking it. He shouted in pain and I kicked his face. He cried in pain. I smiled and beat his face punch after punch. "You decided your fate... Not Me!" I shouted and punched him once more. Blood seeped down his face and he slumped over. I teleported us back to the castle-camp and gained every god or goddess in the castle's attention. "This is war. Frank Zhang was once my friend. They all were. But darkness consumed him. He joined the wrong side. And for that he shall pay." I drew my scythe and everyone gasped. I sucked his feet into the earth and drew back my scythe. I swung and the head of Frank Zhang toppled over. I created 2 caskets. One for his body and one for his head. "Here lays Frank Zhang. Your fight is over." I shouted and chained up his caskets. I tossed them into Tartarus and shut the hole's Interance. Then I felt my gut. A imperial gold sword stuck through and I smiled. "Jason Grace." I mumbled before turning around and slashing my scythe. He shouted in pain and I pulled the sword out of my chest. My wound healed instantly. I drew my scythe back and did the same for Jason Grace. "Your fight is over." I mumbled and tossed his remains in Tartarus. Rey ran up and hugged me. "That must have been hard." I nodded and walked to my bedroom. I crossed Jason and Frank off the list. Only Leo, Piper, Ares, and Athena to go. I grinned at my success. "He is next." I whispered to myself and pointed at .............'s name.

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