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Annabeth POV
I looked at Percy as he stabbed the air. "Your fight is over.." he said and there I saw Reyna. I fought back a sob. Percy croaked something, just realizing who he had stabbed. "R-rey.?" Percy asked and ran to her. "I'm going to save you. I'm sorry. I don't care what side your on. I love you." Tears dropped down Percy's cheek and he fought back a sob. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Reyna's eyes looked lifeless and her face paled. She would never come back from this if Percy could not save her. She would... fade. "Oh my gods." Percy sobbed and Jason kicked him in the face. "Hazel! Heal her." Percy shouted as Hazel and Reyna teleported away. Jason kicked Percy in the face again and Percy grabbed his foot with the earth. He kicked it and his leg broke. Jason shouted in pain, but Annabeth jumped on Percy. She punched him as frank tackled Percy. Frank punched Percy in the gut as I kept hitting Percy. "Agh-" Percy shouted and Leo helped Jason get away from the fight. He then jumped onto Percy and shot fire at him. Percy's face charred and he shouted even louder. Then Piper struck him with lighting. Everyone jumped off of Percy as he lay there. "We did it! We won the war!" Annabeth shouted and Percy sunk into the air. "S-shit" Leo mumbled and everyone looked around. All the sudden a gyser shot out of the earth and hit Leo. "You thought you could get rid of me that easily?" Percy shouted and my body turned to Jelly. I couldn't move at all and Percy moved so quickly. He punched Leo in the face and Leo shot down and a cracking sound was made when he hit he ground. He groaned and the earth swallowed him. Then he shot out of the ground from a spout of boiling water. He shouted and Percy dissapeared. Leo sat there with broken bones, a black eye, and a 4th degree burn on his whole body. Percy showed up in the middle of us and we all gasped. "I have showed you only a glimpse of my powers. I was being the nice guy. I wanted to let you live. To come to your senses. But you crossed the line. Go heal everyone. Gather your army. I will gather mine. Get your best gods and goddesses. Then I will show you my full power." Percy glared at us and then turned to water vapor.
Percy POV.
I teleported back yo Hazel and looked at Reyna. "How is she?" I asked and touched her face. "Alive. I need you to heal her would though." Hazel looked at Percy and smiled. I closed my eyes and concentrated on healing on Reyna. My hands lit up and I sent energy through her body. All the sudden Reyna gasped for air. I cried tears of joy, but she punched me in the face. "I'm been captured!" She shouted and I snapped my fingers. She was stuck to the table. "Please Reyna. Join the right side. " Percy looked in her eyes and she glared at him. "Please. I miss you so much." Percy fought back a sob. "I-Okay." Reyna mumbled and I snapped my fingers. Her restraints dissapeared and she tackled me. "If you ever stab me again..." she smiled and gently pressed her lips against mine. I hugged her and just pulled her closer to me. "I love you so much baby." Percy kissed her forehead and Reyna blushed. "I love you too." She smiled and they teleported to Percy's room. "So... What are Annabeth's plans?" I asked and Reyna smiled. "She wanted to wait until they won the war and then she wanted to overthrow Jason." Reyna mumbled. "Wha-" I asked but was interrupted by Reyna's lips on mine. "Words cannot explain how much I have missed you." Reyna sighed. "So show me then?" I smiled and kissed her again. She smiled at that thought and removed my shirt. I redid the favor for her and she smiled. I kissed her neck and left marks on her. Love marks. She bit her lip and I smiled. I kissed her confidently and she kissed back. We made love for the rest of the night, and I realized that Aphrodite was right. I think my true love was right in front of my face the entire time.

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