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Reyna POV

   I woke up next to Percy, which was a good thing. I missed him so much, and I love him so much. Last night was, unforgettable. Percy can make me happy in so many ways, and I couldn't believe what happened last night. I got out of bed and ran to the shower. I Iris messaged Leo and he popped up. "Hey!" Leo shouted and smiled. "Where are you?" Reyna asked and Leo smiled. "Camp." Calypso kissed him on the cheek and he blushed. "Jupiter or Half-Blood?" Reyna asked. "Jupiter." Leo showed Reyna his newest invention. It was a ring. When you pressed the stone in the middle it turned into brass knuckles. "Wow" Reyna smiled in amazement. "So after this war...You think I could become a god?" Leo grinned and Reyna laughed. "Much will be discussed, Valdez." She smiled and Leo gasped. "There here. I will hold them off as long as I can. Hurry meja." Leo smiled and touched the button on his ring. The mist left and Reyna gave him her blessing. "Percy. They are attacking Camp Jupiter." She said and put on a sweater. She saw Percy jump up an snap his fingers. He had a assisan's cloak. "Lets go." He snapped his fingers and Reyna spotted Leo on the ground crawling away. "I'll get leo, you get them." She pointed towards Jason and Annabeth.

Percy POV

 I jumped in the air and got struck in the neck. "Hello, Percy." Jason grinned and towered over me. I jumped up with my hand around his neck and slammed him into the ground. Annabth kicked me in my back and I flew into a tree. "Well, Hello." Annabeth smiled as I wiped blood from the corner of my mouth. I punched Annabeth in the gut and she stumbled backwards. I then kicked her in the chest and she felt into the ground. I started making her become sucked in the earth, but Jason grabbed my throat and flew into the air. I punched him and he dropped me, but the earth stopped my fall. I jumped into the air and struck him. He fell backwards and struck me with lightning. I fell onto my knee and Annabeth kicked me in the face. I shouted with pain and stumbled backwards. "Its over." She smiled. "Your coming with us." Percy smiled at that thought and then lunged at Annabeth. He punched her and she fell backwards. Then he launched at Jason. Jason sidestepped and tripped Percy into the puddle. Percy made a tiny trident and shot it at Jason. Jason fell as the trident hit him in the thigh. He started bleeding and Annabeth jumped on his back. Percy tried to shake her off, but couldn't. Percy jumped as high as he could in the air and landed on his back, where Annabeth was. She shouted in pain and he punched her in the jaw. All of the sudden a fist hit him in the chest. Percy flew backwards into the tree and groaned. "Rematch I suppose. But this time I won't lose Percy." Ares smiled and charged Percy. Percy lunged at him and the two clashed. Percy and Ares were both even and Percy thought he fought good. He sliced Ares leg with his Scythe and he fell to his knees. Percy kicked him in the face and he fell onto Jason. Jason had a tear in his eyes and Percy laughed. "Well done, but I still have won." Percy smiled and started walking off. All the sudden a woman kicked him in the chest. "Athena" Percy smiled as he flew backwards. "You do not deserve this fight, not yet." Athena smiled and teleported away with Jason, Annabeth, and Ares. "Well done, babe" Reyna smiled and he kissed her. This kiss felt different. Percy wondered if it would ever happen. Would they ever have 'sex'? They have been close, but they never felt it was the right time. Reyna blushed, as if she was reading his mind. "Hey, Percy. Good fight." Leo grinned and looked at the couple. Percy grinned and looked at Leo. "Well done to you too Leo. We might need some mechanics on Olympus. I could send some warriors to train and protect Camp Jupiter." Percy smiled and Leo's face lit up. "You mean...a GOD" Leo smiled and hugged Percy. 'Leo Valdez, shall become a god.' Percy told his dad and his dad smiled. How did Percy know? Even Percy didn't know how he knew. Percy smiled and teleported them to the throne room. Percy and Reyna walked off while Leo was becoming a god. Of what you might ask, he didn't know. Percy jumped into his bed and smiled. Reyna jumped onto him. Percy pulled her close to him and kissed her. She smiled on his lips and he pulled her shirt off. She tore off Percy's shirt and blushed. "I learned this new trick." Percy smiled and Reyna grinned. "Show me." Percy snapped and instantly the two were naked. Reyna blushed and kissed Percy, her breast's on his chest. Percy smiled and kissed her back and slowly moved to her neck. He kissed her neck, leaving bruises on her neck and she moaned softly at that. Percy smiled and started kissing her breasts. She moaned and the two had a night to remember.,,


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