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Jungkook was too excited to wake up the next morning only to find out that his friend wasn't even next to him anymore. He shouted his name around the house but received no response. Where is he?

He couldn't find Jimin on the way to school or even at the front gates. Luckily, he found a familiar face who also seemed to be searching. "Hoseok!" The elder glanced over, wide smile spread across his features.

"What's up Kook?" His eyes wandered before meeting the taller again. "Did you end up talking with Jimin?"

"I-Uh yeah... kinda." The younger blushed, looking away. "I need to find him, he didn't say goodbye before he left this morning and-"

"This morning? What happened last night?" Jimin at someone else's house? Something must of happened to him...

"Um... Nothing. I gotta go." Jungkook shook it off, not wanting to tell a secret that wasn't his to tell. "Bye hyung."

Jungkook couldn't remember doing anything wrong last night. He knew Jimin was fragile right now and there's no way he could tell him that he cared about him. A lot. Too much sometimes but he thinks it's enough to care about him from afar.


Jimin wouldn't be found the entire day. He avoided waking up next to Jungkook, sprinting out of the house when he saw the younger passed out still. It wasn't like he didn't want to stay, especially when he saw the soft morning glow that Jungkook had. He admits that he stayed a little bit longer than he should have, watching the softs puffs of wind escape the younger's lips. He couldn't ignore the calmness to his features or the built figure under the tight shirt... But he had to go. He couldn't risk seeing him that day.

So he did the only thing he was used to: hide. Luckily for him, they didn't have many classes together and he decided to not eat with his friends during lunch. He did feel bad about leaving Jungkook in the morning without a note or any explanation but Jimin found this whole situation embarrassing. Poor Jungkook probably didn't even know what he was doing.

Jungkook's only chance to talk was their last class together. He came early in case he had the opportunity to talk with the blond before the teacher demanded all their attention. Of course it was in vain, the blond arrived late to class on purpose so as to not even look Jungkook in the eye. It helped that the younger sat behind him so he wouldn't have a reason to catch his stares. What did he do wrong?


Jungkook was trying so hard to make Jimin happy. Everytime he felt that the blond forgot about his worries, Jungkook said something that reverted him back to his defensive state. Whether it was making food for him, school or plans for the future, the younger couldn't get around it. But it didn't even bother him how hard he had to work to crack that tough exterior, what hurt him is how much Jimin has been through that he acts like this. He knows that he has put these walls around himself for his entire life and Jungkook wants to help break them down. He wants to sooth Jimin's heart, make it whole again. "Have you... gone out with a lot of girls?"

The younger had blown through all the possible conversations he could think of. "Um..." Jimin's rosy cheeks matched the extra set of clothes Jungkook gave him for the night. "Why?"

"Well, cause-" I don't know what else to ask you? "Some girls talk about you a lot at school... must be easy to get someone to like you right?"

The topic of romance was always a hard one with Jimin, something he wanted to avoid talking about with Jungkook especially. He realized he was staring at the younger for too long before he answered. "It's not easy." Jimin began unfolding the clothing handed to him. "The more you like someone, the harder it is to not fuck up."

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