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Jungkook was everywhere. His hair spotted in the hallways, his smiles and laughter towards Jimin, it sickened him. With Hoseok and Jimin only talking about the younger, he wanted it all to stop. Taehyung needed time to think, to breathe without Jungkook interfering. Lunch was the perfect time for that since it seemed the goody-two-shoes always did extra credit in that period. But of course that had to end when he saw the happy blond and brunette making their way over to the table.

Jungkook brought a full course meal that they shared, little inside jokes and laughter shared between the two. Taehyung didn't even realize he was glaring at them until he felt a hand squeeze his shoulder. Hoseok eyed him, hoping he would get the message that he should calm down. The younger knew that the red head was glaring but he didn't know what he did wrong.

"Hey Taehyung... h-how's school? Exam week is coming up so there's a lot of stuff to do right?" He felt so awkward under the intense stare and it got even worse when Taehyung didn't answer him. He turned to Jimin, asking him what he did wrong.

The red head chewed silently, ignoring them or the food might come up to greet them again. In all honesty he felt so nauseous at the sight of them together but he couldn't let it affect him. Especially when he heard Jimin try his hardest to whisper in the loud cafeteria.

"He doesn't talk around people, unless they're me of course." Tae's gaze follows the voice, softening on Jimin, his chewing more relaxed.

"Why you?" Jungkook was intrigued. He'd heard of people who don't talk but he's never met one.

"I don't know, it's always been like that I guess..." The blond shrugs, not caring about the teen who's cheeks match his hair.

Jungkook nods, getting closer again to whisper. He really did find the topic interesting but he couldn't see past the blond locks to notice how upset the other was getting. "Since when did he stop talking?" Tae's fists ball up, looking at the two. Hoseok spots it immediately and tries to find an excuse for them to go to the restroom.

"Uh... Taehyung! I spilled sauce on my shirt, can you help me out? Excuse us!" A curt nod was given before he tugs Tae's wrist in the direction of the exit. The younger tried to wrestle his hand free but his friend was too strong. "What's going on?"

Taehyung gave him the same glare that he gave Jungkook, ignoring the question.

"You've never brought up your feelings about Jimin before, why now?"

Tae sighs, running his hand through his hair. Hoseok doesn't understand, he feels like he's slipping and there's no one to catch him.

"Is it because of Jungkook? Don't worry about him, nothing happened." The dancer's hands rest on Taehyung's shoulders, the slight pressure meant to reassure him.

Taehyung bites his lip, a tear falling down his cheek. He wouldn't understand... he couldn't. Hoseok felt his heart clentch watching his oldest friend in pain so he pulled him in to rest on his chest. Taehyung lets himself cry into his friend's shirt, fully surrendering to his emotions. After sobbing a bit, Taehyung answered. "But it will."

Triple update???? Who's she??? I DON'T KNOW HER.

Fuck sleep man that's all I can say

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