The Fire Starter

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The Fire Starter

This boy was feared among his lads

The boy who was said to be very bad

The boy who was avoided like a contagious disease

The boy who was thought to be very hard to please.

He had soft, flowing hair with an unusual colour

Pale skin and an attitude quite sore

 Cold, doe-like eyes that have seen too much agony

Nobody seemed to notice how this boy was so lonely

He didn’t care if they avoided him, he was used to it

He didn’t even care about himself, not one bit

Once he gets mad his eyes’ll burn with fury

One snap of a finger and his palms turn fiery.

The atmosphere will turn warm

That’s when you should feel alarmed

Don’t provoke him though

Let him calm down and slowly let go.

They’d blame this boy for his odd behaviour

They’d spit bad things about him and lose their composure

But this boy could care less, he hated himself more

He cursed his own life deep into the earth’s core.

The real story of this boy was a real tragedy

It all started when he was still a baby

He had a mother who loved him

A mother who was not at all prim

She had the same gift as him

She could start a warm light in a room too dim

Unfortunately she was also treated as a threat

She passed away in a car crash and her baby boy was left

He wasn’t alone though, he had a very caring father

Not only that, but also a kind little sister

Back at his hometown he made himself a friend

A friend who understood him without pretend.

Everything was good until that one fateful night

He had no idea his little sister could also start a light

A sea of fire drowned his whole village

And his sister lost her voice, at such a young age.

He took the blame to save his sister

But it was as if for nothing when a cruel person took her

That’s why he was banished and sent to this school

A school for kids with gifts like his, students made as tools.

His dear friend shared the same fate

He was mad at himself, who else was to hate?

His poor father was left behind, tears poured from his tired eyes

That was the last time the little boy ever cried.

Up till now he was treated like a disease

But other kids looked up to him, and him they wanted to please

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