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Every person has a certain kind of fear

Each and every one has shed a frightened tear

Pretend to be brave, but I know you have one, dear

You have it in your eyes; I can see it crystal clear.

Are you afraid of tall buildings, possibly high heights?

Or probably deep oceans infested with sharp jaws that bite?

Might possibly be the ugly monsters at night?

Go ahead, hide in your blanket, and don’t turn off the lights.

The shocking sound of thunder during rain

Don’t you feel a slight hinge of pain?

Or the flash of lightning behind your window’s pane

Doesn’t that make your face slightly drain?

A zombie apocalypse—sounds horrid indeed

Staggering corpses with bodies that bleed

An alien invasion, the creatures start to breed

They see you as food for their babies to feed.

The sight of blood and the fearsome dead

A walking corpse with a decapitated head

You’d wanna wish it was a nightmare in bed

But it’s probably best if you were awake instead.

Do you cringe when you see an odd creature crawling?

Hairy, slimy insects and creatures that sting

The thought of germs that these things might bring

It makes you wanna jump and find something to cling.

Does your hair stand up when you see a ghost?

Wandering around, creeping to you close

Does that make you want to wet your own clothes?

Or freeze at the sight of what you feared most?

A terrible fate if you die trapped in a fire

Probably the worst if you die drowning in water

Or even buried alive; hey, which sounds better?

Of course none! You’d rather find a safe shelter.

Do you fear that one day you’ll lose someone you love?

Unexpectedly taken from the man from above

Is it scary to think that you’re all alone?

Alone in the dark when no one’s home.

Are you afraid of failing at school?

Getting laughed at and be made as a fool

Are you somehow scared of breaking some rules?

You gotta admit; the idea sounds pretty cool.

Does the sound of death send shivers to your spine?

Not of old age but as a victim of crime

Or maybe that scent from those who passed their prime

Of those people you once knew, people at their time.

Falling from a building or falling in love

Still getting hurt in the end like a poor innocent dove

Betrayed by a friend or abandoned by your family

Left alone in the dark where you’ll always feel lonely.

Fear is your weakness, fear is humanity

The fear of the Lord should be worn as our dignity

For if we fear Him, He will determine our good destiny

He will make sure there’ll be nothing scary.

Be prepared for I know you fear death

Falling in a deep sleep without your breath

Just trust in the Lord, life is just a test

To see if you’re fit for His kingdom; His home; the best.

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